Oh gosh! At the site where Mr. Feuti has been posting Gil each Sunday, https://www.normfeuticartoons.com/2023/01/, he has posted that the paper still carrying Gil has cancelled it as papers continue to fail and cut costs. So there won’t be any more new Gil. I presume the strips here will presumably continue to run because they have always been out of phase with the new ones there. But there’s an end point “out there”. This has been such a great strip! It’s a sad way to start the new year. Thank you, Mr. Feuti, for Gil and his mom, his friend, and his dad, and his mom’s funny boyfriend. It’s been great!
Oh gosh! At the site where Mr. Feuti has been posting Gil each Sunday, https://www.normfeuticartoons.com/2023/01/, he has posted that the paper still carrying Gil has cancelled it as papers continue to fail and cut costs. So there won’t be any more new Gil. I presume the strips here will presumably continue to run because they have always been out of phase with the new ones there. But there’s an end point “out there”. This has been such a great strip! It’s a sad way to start the new year. Thank you, Mr. Feuti, for Gil and his mom, his friend, and his dad, and his mom’s funny boyfriend. It’s been great!