A Swede and a Jew walk into a deli. Both order a hot pastrami on rye, a half sour pickle, and a cream soda… Disclaimer, I was raised as a Reform Jew. I went through 10 years of religious school, was confirmed, and sang in the temple choir. My favorite joke of that sort is the one where the 2 rabbis and a priest go fishing in a row boat and the punch line is, “Do you think we should tell him where the rocks are?”
A Swede and a Jew walk into a deli. Both order a hot pastrami on rye, a half sour pickle, and a cream soda… Disclaimer, I was raised as a Reform Jew. I went through 10 years of religious school, was confirmed, and sang in the temple choir. My favorite joke of that sort is the one where the 2 rabbis and a priest go fishing in a row boat and the punch line is, “Do you think we should tell him where the rocks are?”