The milk various mammals produce varies in fat content, human and cow’s milk are close around 3.5 , but it varies. Horse milk is lower, around 1.5. Yak milk is up around 7%, but if you want high fat milk go with whale milk, between 35 and 50% fat, depending on species. Imagine how rich ice cream would be made with whale milk. Of course our bodies might just treat whale milk as a laxative.
Carl Premium Member 3 months ago
There is only one 7% solution that comes to mind for me and I doubt that’s the idea here. In other words, I’m lost on this one.
Grace Premium Member 3 months ago
coffee with heavy cream?
poppacapsmokeblower 3 months ago
The milk various mammals produce varies in fat content, human and cow’s milk are close around 3.5 , but it varies. Horse milk is lower, around 1.5. Yak milk is up around 7%, but if you want high fat milk go with whale milk, between 35 and 50% fat, depending on species. Imagine how rich ice cream would be made with whale milk. Of course our bodies might just treat whale milk as a laxative.
rhpii 3 months ago
9% is almost like drinking Half & Half.
chutoi 3 months ago
The Famous Eccles 3 months ago
7% is pretty strong beer, maybe he’s confused. Ha, I said maybe!