A patient wearing a birds beak and clutching an iPad sits in a therapist's office. The therapist is an angry bird pig with a mustache sitting cross legged next to him.
Patient: I think angry birds is becoming an obsession.
YA THINK SO!!!!!Just having the new GOLD (OMGGGG) I phone is enough.I have a Samsung Propel. I can text and that is about it.My wife has a flip phone. Its the only way I can get her to hang up after using it.
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
YA THINK SO!!!!!Just having the new GOLD (OMGGGG) I phone is enough.I have a Samsung Propel. I can text and that is about it.My wife has a flip phone. Its the only way I can get her to hang up after using it.
CuteDoggo over 4 years ago
Ya think so? I would’ve known so
Turnip509 over 2 years ago
very true..