Kat: Hey, what's this? Kat: A letter for Dean? But wait, how can this be... Kat: ... He doesn't have any friends.
Gee, are you that dense, Cat. Heart is one of Dean’s friends and so are you… sort of.
Lucky You Dean. To have two pretty girls as Cat and Heart as friends…….Who will one day be fighting over you. ;)
well cat may be the one for dean
Except for you and Heart.
Did Kat retcon all prior memories of Dean and Heart?
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
Gee, are you that dense, Cat. Heart is one of Dean’s friends and so are you… sort of.
i_am_the_jam almost 12 years ago
TheDOCTOR almost 12 years ago
Lucky You Dean. To have two pretty girls as Cat and Heart as friends…….Who will one day be fighting over you. ;)
23035387 almost 12 years ago
well cat may be the one for dean
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Except for you and Heart.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Did Kat retcon all prior memories of Dean and Heart?
Are2Dee2 about 1 year ago