Imagine This by Lucas Turnbloom for April 22, 2009
What's the matter, stupid? You said you wanted to play a game while Darin's away!- Clovis Um, how is cooking Darin's old toys on the George Foreman grill a game?- Dewey The Dinosaur Elmo in terrible pain!- toy Holy smurfing smurf!!- toy How is it not?- Clovis
MJNFPCartoonist over 15 years ago
Awesome strip Lucas, Elmo is too funny, ha,ha,ha.
bald over 15 years ago
oh my gosh…. the language in the third panel - is that printable in the media ?
blackman2732 over 15 years ago
He smurfed him up pretty bad.
dox26 over 15 years ago
this one is FREAKIN’ HILARIOUS!!
Turnbloom creator over 15 years ago
@MJ – Thanks friend! Grilled Elmo is always a good time!
@bald – Smurf yeah, it is!
@blackman2732 – Smurfin’ right!
@dox26 – Thanks you! I usually aim for mildly soothing, but I’ll take freaking hilarious any day!
Ooops! Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Elmo and Smurf in one strip. Torture!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Now that’s Smurfy!
bmonk about 13 years ago
1. Yay! I love the smell of fried Smurfs!
2. Does anyone else find the thought of 5-6 smurfs with only one girl even sicker than two Ken dolls?