The crime was committing the crime just so he could go to jail, get three square meals a day, a roof over his head, and a bed to sleep on at night. All because he’s been out of work for the past twelve months and can’t manage to find a job even though he wants one. But nine months ago his unemployment benifits ran out so he’s no longer considered unemployed.
hazeowl about 12 years ago
Well, I don’t think so ;)
King_Shark about 12 years ago
Maybe of the Cap’s brain…
knight1192a about 12 years ago
The crime was committing the crime just so he could go to jail, get three square meals a day, a roof over his head, and a bed to sleep on at night. All because he’s been out of work for the past twelve months and can’t manage to find a job even though he wants one. But nine months ago his unemployment benifits ran out so he’s no longer considered unemployed.
javier_a_delgado about 12 years ago
@F6F5Hellcatyou forgot the weight room, free cable, and the possibility of getting shanked and being Big Bubba’s buddy