I love the cartoon but my cats are completely useless at anything other than catching houseflies. They literally don’t know what a squirrel or a bird is, and the biggest one hid under the couch in terror when a pigeon fllew by and flapped its wings loudly.
nancyb creator 4 months ago
I love the cartoon but my cats are completely useless at anything other than catching houseflies. They literally don’t know what a squirrel or a bird is, and the biggest one hid under the couch in terror when a pigeon fllew by and flapped its wings loudly.
gopher gofer 4 months ago
the tortie kitten who’s adopted us appears to think that every thing that moves needs to be placed in her mouth, whether bug or flower…
Ida No 4 months ago
“Never domesticate, my friend. Never domesticate.”