It’s all about perspectives. People love to feel sorry for people less fortunate then themselves until helping said people has a direct impact on them. There are a lot of people who wail about the illegals but when you suggest they pool their resources together and support an illegal, the wailing turns into excuses.
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
kd1sq Premium Member almost 6 years ago
El jefe does have a point.
Ain’t just us Anglos.
My wife gets crap from other tribes, some of whom don’t like people with Mohawk ancestry.
Go figure.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
It’s all about perspectives. People love to feel sorry for people less fortunate then themselves until helping said people has a direct impact on them. There are a lot of people who wail about the illegals but when you suggest they pool their resources together and support an illegal, the wailing turns into excuses.
William Bednar Premium Member almost 6 years ago
That guy’s red hat should have the letters: “MMGA”, Make Mexico Great Again! Right.
zippykatz almost 6 years ago
Hey Mexico: time to build a wall at YOUR southern border…