Delta sure took the air out of his balloon. There is nothing wrong with men being masculine but there’s no need for fake machismo. Gunther needs to just be himself! However, if that means refining his image a bit that’s ok. We all want to look our best. Just not a total makeover.
If anyone wants to waste their time watching an MTV ‘reality’ show, they would see that “Macho” is not that outdated. But then, an ad for one would tell you that!
The women are the ones giving him harsh but honest criticism. That might be something for him to pay attention to considering the purpose of his transformation. (I do think of course that Tiffany shouldn’t have brought the subject up to begin with.)
Tyge almost 3 years ago
Don’t ask the question if you won’t like the answer.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
“ALL males are scum no matter what. Especially those that don’t do what WE want.” – Delta
Caldonia almost 3 years ago
Calm down, Delta. But yes, Gunther’s not macho.
cubswin2016 almost 3 years ago
Gunther looks like he stuck his fingers in a light socket.
BigDaveGlass almost 3 years ago
A hair-raising experience……
Fishenguy Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I always liked Delta. I wish she would have been carried over to the new comics.
Troglodyte almost 3 years ago
Looks like that balloon deflated quite rapidly! :D
ajh2i almost 3 years ago
I miss Delta. :-(
Chris almost 3 years ago
what a way to blow a guy down gently.
Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Nice to know she can rain on someone’s parade besides Luann’s.
YatInExile almost 3 years ago
I love it when someone says to me “Can I ask you something?” My answer is always “You just did.”
eladee AKA Wally almost 3 years ago
Delta sure took the air out of his balloon. There is nothing wrong with men being masculine but there’s no need for fake machismo. Gunther needs to just be himself! However, if that means refining his image a bit that’s ok. We all want to look our best. Just not a total makeover.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 3 years ago
Humanist almost 3 years ago
Is Delta a feminist?
Doctor Go almost 3 years ago
Which is probably why Tiff likes it.
S&C = Dismayed&Depressed almost 3 years ago
Delta has joined the list of feminist heroes right up there with “Julia Sugarbaker”. Exceptional verbal talents.!!! ;))
CoreyTaylor1 almost 3 years ago
If anyone wants to waste their time watching an MTV ‘reality’ show, they would see that “Macho” is not that outdated. But then, an ad for one would tell you that!
kauri44 almost 3 years ago
The women are the ones giving him harsh but honest criticism. That might be something for him to pay attention to considering the purpose of his transformation. (I do think of course that Tiffany shouldn’t have brought the subject up to begin with.)
montylc2001 almost 3 years ago
Wow. Did that crap really start that far back?
edeloriea14 almost 3 years ago
Every time I hear that word “macho”, it makes me think of a Village People song: “Macho Man”.