I’m sorry.. but there is NO chance Tara and Piro would have gone skydiving without Luann. They clearly even set up a day and time. No way would Tara have forgot about that.
Looks like Luann will have to do it all be herself… or will she chicken out?
At least we’re seeing an airfield. Lots of people thought it would never even get this far. Doesn’t look like Frank went along with her or for her, as some people predicted.
So as THE CLASH would say.. Should she stay or should she go?? ;)
I don’t know how it is in the States, but in Canada they make you take a course first before they let you skydive. A friend of mine did it a few years ago. You don’t just show up and jump out of a plane without taking the course first.
Tara bailed? What about her nonrefundable deposit? What about her plans to give Piro a thrill ride? But I’,m sure Piro will visit her in the hospital after she breaks a leg landing….
For those saying that Tara and Piro are bad friends: No, they aren’t Luann’s friends at all. Piro couldn’t care less that Luann exists, and Tara is as flaky as a scratch biscuit. Bernice and her constant burns suddenly seem pleasant in comparison.
THAT is why I dislike Tara so much. She’s so thoughtless of others. She’s self-centered. Like that day she climbed over the fence with her archery set at Luann’s school and cost her job as an aide and got demoted. And hid her cousin at The Fuse without her parent’s knowledge by harassing Luann into agreeing to do it. Luann, dump Tara. She’s not your friend. She is a user. She’s even competing with you over Piro…and he’s her cousin? Wanna bet she cancelled the skydiving and didn’t tell Luann on purpose out of spite? Like the time you invited her to a study group and she was no-show and breezily excused herself the next day when she saw her. She didn’t bother to call that night. She’s not someone anyone wants to be friends with.
We had to spend a few hours learning the physiology of absorbing the impact of landing, followed by jumping off metre-high platforms to get comfortable with what to do in the last few feet. Then they made us fold and pack our own parachute, so our grieving family couldn’t blame Jumpin’ Jack.
Luann you have a couple of options one go skydiving by yourself and lose your fake friends or two don’t go skydiving and be a total loser to your so called friends.
Looks like a plane that mighta been borrowed from th “Miss Peach” or “Momma” strip. Mebbe they can borrow a Ford Trimotor from Captain Eddie’s Airlines instead. Even Clutch Cargo, Spinner an Paddlefoot wouldnt fly in that that thing
Bailed: they simply decided that they weren’t going to do it and hence failed to make the appointment. There was no money to refund. They didn’t even give Luann a second thought.
How sad to see how unreliable Tara can be. How is it possible to forget something like that? And Piro didn’t tell her anything? Has he forgotten about Luann too? Or did something serious happen that forced them to back out? Maybe more trouble with their messed up family? Maybe Piro is sick? I hope there’s some justification! How I hope Luann will jumps anyway, for herself and no one else and have a GREAT time. I like JJ’s design. Simply but able to make you understand everything about the character. Let’s hope this arc will not be the only time we see her.
Hard to believe Luann never touched base about this with them in the week leading up to the event. But it’s not hard to believe that they’d do this to her. What a couple of jerks.
Might as well go for it, there is far more danger driving to the airfield. Step out of that sheltered existence. I assume a tandem ride? Going solo is a 10 hour course.
I did a tandem jump 20 years ago, my first really high free fall, and I sang “blood on the risers” to the guy I was strapped to (it’s an old Airborne song)
Maybe this will be a turning point for Luann. Jump out of a plane – contemplate death, realize you should Carpe Diem every Diem and proceed to lead a more interesting life (which would please us all!)
We have a somewhat androgynous ground-pounder here; not exactly a hunky pilot, but there might be more than one jumper going up. Methinks that there’s a meeting about to happen.
…or we are being setup for another dose of Gun helps gimpy Luann. That break a leg line is there for a reason, and it might be foreshadowing.
Go for it Luann! Be brave. Impress YOURSELF. And the fact that they bailed on you and didn’t even bother to let you know, shows you something very important—they aren’t worth your time.
Possible Tara moved up the date to avoid LuAnn being with her and Piro, as she has that personality. She and Piro could also be waiting in the ready room to see if LuAnn shows up. Next challenge, will she jump? The plot thickens – stay tuned.
I jumped for my 23rd birthday. Five friends jumped with me. Coincidently, it was discount day, meaning the pilot gave us an extra 5000 feet for the same cost. I will never do it again, but I’m glad I did.
Pretty empty for a skydiving place. The one near us is busy, busy.At the one near us there are usually a half dozen or more skydiving club members folding chutes for their next jump as well as a dozen waiting for tandem jumps.
So, they BAILED (see what they did there) on her! Since she can’t get her money back, will Luann go through with it? Will she break a leg (and a whole lot more)?
Right, so they didn’t keep in touch since they first decided to do it together. They set a date and then they booked separately and didn’t talk about it until this day. They booked separately because if they did it together, when Tara and Piro bailed (I’m pretty sure it means cancelled, but it works if they did jump), they would have been asked about the third one.
So the only way it works is Piro and Tara say, we’re going skydiving on the 29th. Luann says, I’ll do it with you. Then they don’t meet again, while Luann does book a jump for the 29th and the two others either don’t book it or book it and cancel before the no refund period if that’s a possibility. How very “believable” in the time of smartphones that they would manage to spend all these days without checking with each other. (And it has to be a while if we are to believe Tara would have forgotten). Luann would go through all this just after one time agreeing, without calling Tara, checking about what to wear for instance… Very convincing.
Well you can expect something like this from Tara, but I am disappointed in Piro. Thought he might evolve into a character who pulled himself up from the bottom into a success, but am writing him off. He could have called Luann about dropping the jump, but he didn’t. Top bad
I suppose we were due for a reminder that Tara is a lackluster friend and a self-centered flake who should never be depended on. It literally never crosses her mind that other people might need to be kept up-to-date on events.
Anyway, so let’s see if I’m proven right or wrong on whether we get to see Luann sky-dive.
Something similar happened to me many years ago when I was in the Air Force. I wanted to try skydiving just once but wanted a friend to join me. He agreed but because I was I was “owned” by the Air Force, I had to get permission from the Base Commander if I was going to try an “unusual/dangerous” activity that could affect my ability to perform my military duty (like a broken leg or death). We talked for about 15 minutes and I did get permission. My friend and I tried to schedule a jump date with a nearby skydiving club but the weather kept causing us to try again another time. We could never make all of our schedules line up. My friend moved away and I never did try it (yet). Back then, for about $80 you would get 4-5 hours of ground instruction (how to “land” , use the backup chute, etc). Then you went up and did a “static line jump” from the door when told. If I do want to try again, it would be a jump where I am “attached” to a professional diver.
On Sept. 29 Tara says she and Piro are booked for skydiving. That means they made a reservation and there should have been no refunds after that. So Tara and Piro are each out $200. Booked means you have reserved a time, scheduled a place in the lineup.
Tommy in the trenches writes home: “Dear Mum. Army’s (word for awful). Sell the pig. Get me home.” (In those days, you could purchase your way out of an Army enlistment.)
Mom to Tommy: “Dear son. The pig’s dead. Sold you one!”
A way to for G&K end the strip? “You needed to bring your own parachute” Ghost stories are always big money draws, plus the jokes“I’m flat broke” “I went out and got smashed” “Feeling kinda flat today”Plus haunting all the characters through the mirror. Shannon would see her.Luann The Snarky Ghost, the snarkiest ghost you’ll see…
Poor Luann is not a good judge of ‘friends’. It’s hard to tell who is worse – B, who talks down to Luann all the time, or Tara, who just lets her down…
I think she should! They teach you everything to do and how to land on ground. Here in Florida, we have Skydive City in Zephyrhills. I’ve watched skydivers and it looks fun! I wanted to do it! But, my grandparents thought about hospital bills! lol
Now you know where you stand with that one Lu, doorslam or grayrock just don’t let her have this kind of power over you anymore. Some friend Piro is! ¬_¬
NOOOOO! I would never do that!! It requires you to do something that goes against not only your better judgement, but gravity and survival instincts. I’ve also worked in the medical field all my life, so all I can think of are the potential injuries. Even if you land safely, you’re likely to tumble around a bit, break an ankle or knee. Some friends, they cancel and don’t tell Luann the plan. She’ll go, I bet.
I hope this is the point where Luann just gets darned mad and with appropriate cuss words attached says “I’ll show you all” and does it. Once she has believed in herself (finally) she may actually start to grow up.
Luann is so naive! Everyone that snubs her goes right over her head. She’ll end up in long-term once she realizes that she’s out of touch with reality!
Huh, I just realised the phrasing… she didn’t forget to tell her. “I forgot YOU were doing this with US”. She forgot Luann was even part of the plans. Or so she says…
lvlax about 1 year ago
I’m sorry.. but there is NO chance Tara and Piro would have gone skydiving without Luann. They clearly even set up a day and time. No way would Tara have forgot about that.
Looks like Luann will have to do it all be herself… or will she chicken out?
At least we’re seeing an airfield. Lots of people thought it would never even get this far. Doesn’t look like Frank went along with her or for her, as some people predicted.
So as THE CLASH would say.. Should she stay or should she go?? ;)
J. Scarbrough about 1 year ago
alasko about 1 year ago
Bailed, without Luann? How rude. Now did they actually jump, or weasel their way past the no refunds rule? Multiple types of bailing.
Willow Mt Lyon about 1 year ago
I don’t think Luann will bail out. When has she ever backed out of something?
Asharah about 1 year ago
They were just skydiving on the last episode of The Amazing Race.
BradFilippone about 1 year ago
I don’t know how it is in the States, but in Canada they make you take a course first before they let you skydive. A friend of mine did it a few years ago. You don’t just show up and jump out of a plane without taking the course first.
Tyge about 1 year ago
Some friends! Luann, no one is taking you seriously. You need to make some changes girl! Maybe here is your first chance at a start!
mikenjanet about 1 year ago
Hmmmm! Did she really forget or conveniently forget. At any rate, Piro must’ve actually forgotten.
Crann Bethadh about 1 year ago
Ridiculous implausible double amnesia from Piro and Tara aside, it might be better this way. Less pressure, just her own fear to conquer alone.
beb01 about 1 year ago
Tara bailed? What about her nonrefundable deposit? What about her plans to give Piro a thrill ride? But I’,m sure Piro will visit her in the hospital after she breaks a leg landing….
R.J.C. about 1 year ago
Tara and Piro bailed out and now Luann has to skydive alone? I think it’s time for Luann to get new friends.
cmxx about 1 year ago
I am seriously unsurprised.
LeftHanded about 1 year ago
From the looks of that rickety plane, make sure the pilot has his own chute or he might need to borrow yours, Luann!
priyansh.jeziel about 1 year ago
If wheelchair bound Texas governor Abbott and a 106 year old WWII veteran can go skydiving, then LuAnne can do it.
beb01 about 1 year ago
At this point having Frank unexpectedly showing up will make this an interesting event.
Need coffee about 1 year ago
For those saying that Tara and Piro are bad friends: No, they aren’t Luann’s friends at all. Piro couldn’t care less that Luann exists, and Tara is as flaky as a scratch biscuit. Bernice and her constant burns suddenly seem pleasant in comparison.
9thCapricorn about 1 year ago
THAT is why I dislike Tara so much. She’s so thoughtless of others. She’s self-centered. Like that day she climbed over the fence with her archery set at Luann’s school and cost her job as an aide and got demoted. And hid her cousin at The Fuse without her parent’s knowledge by harassing Luann into agreeing to do it. Luann, dump Tara. She’s not your friend. She is a user. She’s even competing with you over Piro…and he’s her cousin? Wanna bet she cancelled the skydiving and didn’t tell Luann on purpose out of spite? Like the time you invited her to a study group and she was no-show and breezily excused herself the next day when she saw her. She didn’t bother to call that night. She’s not someone anyone wants to be friends with.
LeftHanded about 1 year ago
We had to spend a few hours learning the physiology of absorbing the impact of landing, followed by jumping off metre-high platforms to get comfortable with what to do in the last few feet. Then they made us fold and pack our own parachute, so our grieving family couldn’t blame Jumpin’ Jack.
Rhetorical_Question about 1 year ago
Joe1962 about 1 year ago
Luann you have a couple of options one go skydiving by yourself and lose your fake friends or two don’t go skydiving and be a total loser to your so called friends.
Wilde Bill about 1 year ago
Well, let’s hope that she doesn’t… break a leg.
Rhetorical_Question about 1 year ago
Frank Degroot would be proud of Luann Degroot?
Rhetorical_Question about 1 year ago
Where did Frank go?
Rhetorical_Question about 1 year ago
No tattoos?
kenhense about 1 year ago
Hard to believe Luann wouldn’t have got in touch with Tara closer to the actual flight time.
snsurone76 about 1 year ago
That woman in the last panel looks remarkably like TJ. I wonder if they’re related.
illuminare about 1 year ago
i think tara is full of bull as is piro. they never had any intention of going skydiving and im betting they are both liars.
nightflight about 1 year ago
Cannot stay, have to go, or miss the chance to yell, "GERONIMO’’. This has to be one of those tandem jumps with the instructor’s arms around Luann,
Enter.Name.Here about 1 year ago
“Sorry no refunds.”
Wilkins068 about 1 year ago
Looks like a plane that mighta been borrowed from th “Miss Peach” or “Momma” strip. Mebbe they can borrow a Ford Trimotor from Captain Eddie’s Airlines instead. Even Clutch Cargo, Spinner an Paddlefoot wouldnt fly in that that thing
eced52 about 1 year ago
She should jump. Give her a one up on Tara.
Chrisdiaz801 about 1 year ago
She should go into a new arc.
The Old Wolf about 1 year ago
Bailed: they simply decided that they weren’t going to do it and hence failed to make the appointment. There was no money to refund. They didn’t even give Luann a second thought.
Shirl Summ Premium Member about 1 year ago
Great friends . (eye roll)
Purple People Eater about 1 year ago
“Break a leg”? I’m not sure that was the right thing to say.
Aladar30 Premium Member about 1 year ago
How sad to see how unreliable Tara can be. How is it possible to forget something like that? And Piro didn’t tell her anything? Has he forgotten about Luann too? Or did something serious happen that forced them to back out? Maybe more trouble with their messed up family? Maybe Piro is sick? I hope there’s some justification! How I hope Luann will jumps anyway, for herself and no one else and have a GREAT time. I like JJ’s design. Simply but able to make you understand everything about the character. Let’s hope this arc will not be the only time we see her.
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member about 1 year ago
How rude… But I’m not surprised. Tara is the ultimate flake.
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member about 1 year ago
Panel 3: I didn’t know that TJ had an older sister?? That grin.
sueb1863 about 1 year ago
Hard to believe Luann never touched base about this with them in the week leading up to the event. But it’s not hard to believe that they’d do this to her. What a couple of jerks.
Cole Rene Premium Member about 1 year ago
Time for new friends Luann. For once I would like Luann to come up on top.
JohnWThompsonIII about 1 year ago
That would be the last time I talked to Tara. what an AH move!
Robert Nowall Premium Member about 1 year ago
Betrayal. Luann’s relationship with Tara seems filled with betrayal.
cdward about 1 year ago
So…they lost their $200? Oh well, it’s fun, Luann. Enjoy it!
OneTime59 about 1 year ago
Tara’s a lot of talk, that Luann gets caught up in.
ccfharvard4 about 1 year ago
Might as well go for it, there is far more danger driving to the airfield. Step out of that sheltered existence. I assume a tandem ride? Going solo is a 10 hour course.
6foot6 about 1 year ago
she needs this learning experience. everyone should jump out of a plane at least once in their life.
SquidGamerGal about 1 year ago
Really? They didn’t even bother to tell Luann they’ve got cold feet?
[Traveler] Premium Member about 1 year ago
I did a tandem jump 20 years ago, my first really high free fall, and I sang “blood on the risers” to the guy I was strapped to (it’s an old Airborne song)
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 1 year ago
A 104 woman did it and Jack and Tara couldn’t! Well, all I got to say is, I would bail big time!!
Superhawk about 1 year ago
She will go through with it, and brag about it for the next 20 years (or two years in the comic strip world).
Ellis97 about 1 year ago
The phrase, “Break a leg” doesn’t really apply to thrill seekers or skydivers.
artheaded1 about 1 year ago
Maybe this will be a turning point for Luann. Jump out of a plane – contemplate death, realize you should Carpe Diem every Diem and proceed to lead a more interesting life (which would please us all!)
willkepley about 1 year ago
Do it Luann! It’s not the fall – it’s the potential of a sudden stop to avoid. You’re fine! Do it!
Aficionado about 1 year ago
ROFL! I loved today’s strip.
mrsdonaldson about 1 year ago
Stay! Do it! You’re there. You paid. Maybe it will inspire you in your next direction.
kaycstamper about 1 year ago
Now’s your chance to shine!
elliel203 about 1 year ago
What a flake Tara is…and who says “break a leg” to a parachute jump?? That’s stage speak!
Robert Nowall Premium Member about 1 year ago
Oh, and also find out if Tara and Piro put money down and got it back.
fgerbil46 about 1 year ago
OMG! ROFLMAO! This is better than I even expected!
Lord Hearteater about 1 year ago
We have a somewhat androgynous ground-pounder here; not exactly a hunky pilot, but there might be more than one jumper going up. Methinks that there’s a meeting about to happen.
…or we are being setup for another dose of Gun helps gimpy Luann. That break a leg line is there for a reason, and it might be foreshadowing.
bjs327 about 1 year ago
The important thing is that Luann will have the bragging rights and (possibly) Piro’s admiration.
chris_o42 about 1 year ago
Go for it Luann! Be brave. Impress YOURSELF. And the fact that they bailed on you and didn’t even bother to let you know, shows you something very important—they aren’t worth your time.
ctolson about 1 year ago
Possible Tara moved up the date to avoid LuAnn being with her and Piro, as she has that personality. She and Piro could also be waiting in the ready room to see if LuAnn shows up. Next challenge, will she jump? The plot thickens – stay tuned.
StoicLion1973 about 1 year ago
Tara the Irresponsible strikes again!!
calliarcale about 1 year ago
D’oh! Well, here’s your chance to show you’re tougher than they are, Luann! :-)
Dkram about 1 year ago
OW! break a leg is good for the stage, not for skydiving.
Aibohphobia about 1 year ago
I jumped for my 23rd birthday. Five friends jumped with me. Coincidently, it was discount day, meaning the pilot gave us an extra 5000 feet for the same cost. I will never do it again, but I’m glad I did.
larryzolcienski about 1 year ago
She needs to dump those clowns and find some real friends.
Just-me about 1 year ago
Go for it Luann!
Caldonia about 1 year ago
Tara won! She prevented Piro from spending time with Luann, which is a bizarre thing to do…
txmystic about 1 year ago
Yup…this tracks…
whelan_jj about 1 year ago
Pretty empty for a skydiving place. The one near us is busy, busy.At the one near us there are usually a half dozen or more skydiving club members folding chutes for their next jump as well as a dozen waiting for tandem jumps.
DawnQuinn1 about 1 year ago
It was deliberate by Tara, She forgot nothing other than how to stiff Luann. Sh planned to do that.
tdc1969a about 1 year ago
So, they BAILED (see what they did there) on her! Since she can’t get her money back, will Luann go through with it? Will she break a leg (and a whole lot more)?
buer about 1 year ago
Right, so they didn’t keep in touch since they first decided to do it together. They set a date and then they booked separately and didn’t talk about it until this day. They booked separately because if they did it together, when Tara and Piro bailed (I’m pretty sure it means cancelled, but it works if they did jump), they would have been asked about the third one.
So the only way it works is Piro and Tara say, we’re going skydiving on the 29th. Luann says, I’ll do it with you. Then they don’t meet again, while Luann does book a jump for the 29th and the two others either don’t book it or book it and cancel before the no refund period if that’s a possibility. How very “believable” in the time of smartphones that they would manage to spend all these days without checking with each other. (And it has to be a while if we are to believe Tara would have forgotten). Luann would go through all this just after one time agreeing, without calling Tara, checking about what to wear for instance… Very convincing.
dblbaraje about 1 year ago
Well you can expect something like this from Tara, but I am disappointed in Piro. Thought he might evolve into a character who pulled himself up from the bottom into a success, but am writing him off. He could have called Luann about dropping the jump, but he didn’t. Top bad
MuddyUSA Premium Member about 1 year ago
Will Luann bail?
rugeirn about 1 year ago
The sign says “No refunds”. So Luann gets to jump three times? Score!
gigagrouch about 1 year ago
Is this Luann’s final arc? Does this comic end with a splat? Tune in tomorrow…
RonaldMcCalip about 1 year ago
Doing it for “Your Self” eh? Well here is where the rubber meets the road…
laboyer88 about 1 year ago
I hope she goes. It would be a step forward for her.
tremaine53 about 1 year ago
As a guy with 4 skydives, I have to say it’s a lot more fun to go skydiving with someone you know.
FunnyPageLover about 1 year ago
I kind of hate Tara. I hope Piro shows up and goes with her.
BJShipley1 about 1 year ago
I suppose we were due for a reminder that Tara is a lackluster friend and a self-centered flake who should never be depended on. It literally never crosses her mind that other people might need to be kept up-to-date on events.
Anyway, so let’s see if I’m proven right or wrong on whether we get to see Luann sky-dive.
my1friend about 1 year ago
she could do tandem jumping, that will work for her
blessosu Premium Member about 1 year ago
I’m surprised Frank didn’t come along to watch! He seemed excited, and a bit jealous of Luann’s plan.
Rockabore about 1 year ago
Wow Tara’s awful. What kind of friend does that?
PaulAbbott2 about 1 year ago
Tara needs a swift kick in the backside
gpantzer about 1 year ago
Something similar happened to me many years ago when I was in the Air Force. I wanted to try skydiving just once but wanted a friend to join me. He agreed but because I was I was “owned” by the Air Force, I had to get permission from the Base Commander if I was going to try an “unusual/dangerous” activity that could affect my ability to perform my military duty (like a broken leg or death). We talked for about 15 minutes and I did get permission. My friend and I tried to schedule a jump date with a nearby skydiving club but the weather kept causing us to try again another time. We could never make all of our schedules line up. My friend moved away and I never did try it (yet). Back then, for about $80 you would get 4-5 hours of ground instruction (how to “land” , use the backup chute, etc). Then you went up and did a “static line jump” from the door when told. If I do want to try again, it would be a jump where I am “attached” to a professional diver.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 1 year ago
Gee, I dunno, Luann.
What else could Tara and Piro do but bail seeing that “they” weren’t invited to the Doll-O-Ween party that YOU were invited to last week?
Seriously though, this is a good development, doing something on your OWN that YOU want to do.
It shows growth.
Just make sure that the Jump Person you’ll be strapped to, manages to take some pics as proof.
locake about 1 year ago
You definitely want to share this with a friend. My friend and I spent hours talking about it after we went skydiving together.
locake about 1 year ago
Tara probably cancelled and Piro didn’t even know that Tara neglected to tell Luann. Tara is a jerk, but Piro may not be.
BJShipley1 about 1 year ago
So Tara and Piro, both of whom were shown as financially unstable in the past, just blew $200 each? Or does the “non-refundable” only apply to Luann?
hoffquotes2 about 1 year ago
So Tara and Piro who are not identified as being wealthy, or even comfortable just give up $200
locake about 1 year ago
On Sept. 29 Tara says she and Piro are booked for skydiving. That means they made a reservation and there should have been no refunds after that. So Tara and Piro are each out $200. Booked means you have reserved a time, scheduled a place in the lineup.
JC1968 about 1 year ago
Maybe she will call her Dad and invite him!! Would he go??
phileaux about 1 year ago
Must be nice to be able to cancel a nonrefundable event
BookwormAZ about 1 year ago
Can anyone here provide a URL for the arc where the trio discussed the skydiving?
Darth Nefarius about 1 year ago
That is BS I would demand them to come down to the airfield pronto
donwestonmysteries about 1 year ago
Maybe dad will show up. He seemed very interested.
billdaviswords about 1 year ago
Tara… world’s most (UN)reliable “friend”
Kiwiwriter47 about 1 year ago
British Army gag from the Great War:
Tommy in the trenches writes home: “Dear Mum. Army’s (word for awful). Sell the pig. Get me home.” (In those days, you could purchase your way out of an Army enlistment.)
Mom to Tommy: “Dear son. The pig’s dead. Sold you one!”
rrsltx about 1 year ago
She’ likely to piggyback with a professional jumper. I can’t imagine they’d let her solo on a first jump.
stevegayle about 1 year ago
A way to for G&K end the strip? “You needed to bring your own parachute” Ghost stories are always big money draws, plus the jokes“I’m flat broke” “I went out and got smashed” “Feeling kinda flat today”Plus haunting all the characters through the mirror. Shannon would see her.Luann The Snarky Ghost, the snarkiest ghost you’ll see…
Argythree about 1 year ago
Poor Luann is not a good judge of ‘friends’. It’s hard to tell who is worse – B, who talks down to Luann all the time, or Tara, who just lets her down…
mindjob about 1 year ago
We are flying at an altitude of 39 thousand feet
KEA about 1 year ago
Shades of Matthew Kragan in Last Holiday
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 1 year ago
One broken leg, coming right up!!
Sweetlorrain about 1 year ago
I think she should! They teach you everything to do and how to land on ground. Here in Florida, we have Skydive City in Zephyrhills. I’ve watched skydivers and it looks fun! I wanted to do it! But, my grandparents thought about hospital bills! lol
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 1 year ago
Now you know where you stand with that one Lu, doorslam or grayrock just don’t let her have this kind of power over you anymore. Some friend Piro is! ¬_¬
Guybrush Threepwood about 1 year ago
I did it a few years ago, jumped with the instructor on top of a famous beach here in Sardinia.
Honestly, it’s no big deal. And it’s an amazing experience.
BBComicLover about 1 year ago
I get the impression Tara doesn’t want Luann to date Piro. Why is Tara so controlling about her cousin’s relationship status?
coshima about 1 year ago
Do it, Luann!
The Quiet One about 1 year ago
Not literally though.
leighabc123 about 1 year ago
Two days left! Will Luann go skydiving alone? Or will she chew Tara and Piro out?
Doctor Go about 1 year ago
Look, can I just climb a 10 foot ladder, jump off of that and call it a day?
Gordo4ever about 1 year ago
Wow! The air (read: comments) is rife with overthink today, or in a few cases, non-think. Sheesh!
Liam Astle Premium Member about 1 year ago
The song ‘Learning to Fly’ is running through my head reading this.
htieiri about 1 year ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if Tara didn’t tell Luann about the change in plans on purpose. There’s something about her I don’t like or trust.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 1 year ago
Second star to the right, and straight on until morning
Medtech4 about 1 year ago
NOOOOO! I would never do that!! It requires you to do something that goes against not only your better judgement, but gravity and survival instincts. I’ve also worked in the medical field all my life, so all I can think of are the potential injuries. Even if you land safely, you’re likely to tumble around a bit, break an ankle or knee. Some friends, they cancel and don’t tell Luann the plan. She’ll go, I bet.
comic reader 22 about 1 year ago
Tara isn’t out any money. The card she used got rejected.
Nick Wright about 1 year ago
Wow, Piro sucks.
ViscountNik about 1 year ago
Bailed as in decided not to do it or bailed as in we bailed out of the plane last week?
Carol from CT about 1 year ago
Guess Tara and Piro can afford to lose $200 better than Luann can.
forestkat2015 about 1 year ago
I hope this is the point where Luann just gets darned mad and with appropriate cuss words attached says “I’ll show you all” and does it. Once she has believed in herself (finally) she may actually start to grow up.
raybarb44 about 1 year ago
Go for it girl……
asrialfeeple about 1 year ago
Wise1 about 1 year ago
Luann is so naive! Everyone that snubs her goes right over her head. She’ll end up in long-term once she realizes that she’s out of touch with reality!
WilliamVollmer about 1 year ago
Tara; “break a leg.” Is she being prophetic?
bullardcr about 1 year ago
Luann just needs to ditch most of the people she knows. Bernice, Gunther, Ox, there’s really no one else she should bother with.
GaryCooper about 1 year ago
I’m telling you, Lu, invite Dad to jump with you!
nathenleeturner about 1 year ago
I have a sneaking suspicion that Tara is trying to keep Piro and Luann apart.
RSH about 1 year ago
OK Luann you just said you are doing this for you (no one else); now is your chance, there is no one else.
Otis Rufus Driftwood about 1 year ago
What a twist.
Fuzzy Kombu about 1 year ago
She’s ready to flee — does that count?
MarieStanford about 1 year ago
She “forgot”…
DaBump Premium Member about 1 year ago
I knew it! She’s going to do it! At least a tandem jump.
(Meh) about 1 year ago
Huh, I just realised the phrasing… she didn’t forget to tell her. “I forgot YOU were doing this with US”. She forgot Luann was even part of the plans. Or so she says…
Sisyphos about 1 year ago
So much for “friends.” At this point there is nothing for it but to do it. Jump, Luann, just for your self-respect!
ndblackirish97 about 1 year ago
That is so messed up. Almost feels intentional.
washatkc about 1 year ago
I dont like the Tara character at all. Still weird how she acts with her cousin.
clairmarie 8 days ago
I never liked Tara and with this I really don’t like her. And I think she has weird feelings for her cousin Pyro