It seems as if Shannon is getting close to realize that not everyone (say, Bernice) enjoys Shannon’s own big, loud style…this could be a breakthrough for her at a surprisingly young age.
“Hey!” said Dog (or maybe it was Fish), “I know what let’s do. Let’s grab the car keys and hit the road in search of the perfect little pond in a big meadow.”
“Great idea!” said Fish (or maybe it was Dog), “I’m in! And let’s take a purse so we can stop at the store and stock up on glazed donuts for our trip.”
Such a sad story for two animals of two different species wanting to be together but couldn’t. Since tomorrow Thursday, there’s more to this story yet.
How about TJ blows up The Fuse, just like he sabotaged his own food truck (yes, I know, the official report says it was an accident, but I still think he rigged it up himself)?
I know Shannon didn’t mean to talk about that, but to me the story of Puddles and Monstro seems more and more like an allegory about Luann and Bernice’s friendship and how the two are becoming distant from each other. Let’s see if the ending can offer a solution that allows this friendship to continue. Such a lovely arc.
Luann and Bernice have been close friends despite their differences for a long time, and this has been addressed in recent arcs. Luann’s story about how she and B met as 1st graders or so comes to mind, and a recent conversation they had about their interactions and different styles (I think the one about Luann procrastinating.) Shannon could be aware of the dynamic at some level. It seems to be an overarching theme of late.
G&K have done a pretty dramatic morph on Shannon. Suddenly she’s a young lady who can wear an adult purse on her shoulder, draws anatomically correct hybrid animals, creates stories and commands adults. I figure they aged her about 2 years this week. All I can say is if they are going to use her more, they seriously need to change her hair.
My husband and I are both introverts, we like quiet times alone. I would never be happy with an extrovert. Fish and dog should find compatible friends. They can still talk on phone and text if they want to have a relationship. Just not in person.
I don’t like any of the Shannon arcs. There are so many great characters in Luann and we’re subjected to a precocious and obnoxious 6-year-old? Ugh. Call me when it’s over.
I am really enjoying this arc. Their is engagement from adults in her life and if Bernice is paying attention good communication with her (and Luann gets the benefits of it).
This is better than when Curtis’s brother Barry wrote a story about a dog & cat who danced all night while the humans went to bed. Curtis improved the story by inserting a page about Godzilla showing up and stomping them to death.
Regardless of the fairy tales, children do need to learn that most friendships are not forever. It’s OK to hang out with people you like to learn new things but move onto others as your interests change. I’ve had friendships with women that lasted 30 years and others that were only for a few weeks but ended amicably.
lvlax 8 months ago
Puddles was sad. He told Monstro, “Fine! Be that way! I’m gonna grab my friends Lassie and Benji and we’re gonna go club hopping all night.” ;)
Will Monstro and Puddles come to some sort of Compromise and do something that they both like to do?
J. Scarbrough 8 months ago
And now Dog looks sad. How will they compromise?
Mordock999 Premium Member 8 months ago
“Why can’t We be friends, Why can’t We be friends, Why can’t We be friends, Why can’t be friends???” – War (And later, Smashmouth) ;-)
Azul0858 8 months ago
It seems as if Shannon is getting close to realize that not everyone (say, Bernice) enjoys Shannon’s own big, loud style…this could be a breakthrough for her at a surprisingly young age.
Argythree 8 months ago
This is amazingly sophisticated for a young kid like Shannon!
Joe1962 8 months ago
Seems that Shannon realizing that dogs and fish have to do their own thing.
Panufo 8 months ago
This is right up there with Linus Van Pelt’s story of the little girl whose ears were too tight.
outonalimb 8 months ago
“Hey!” said Dog (or maybe it was Fish), “I know what let’s do. Let’s grab the car keys and hit the road in search of the perfect little pond in a big meadow.”
“Great idea!” said Fish (or maybe it was Dog), “I’m in! And let’s take a purse so we can stop at the store and stock up on glazed donuts for our trip.”
nightflight 8 months ago
We deserve a Purple Heart Medal for staying with this sad tale. But, fear not, Greg will come to save the day.
snsurone76 8 months ago
Which prove that opposites don’t always attract.
mort b. 8 months ago
Hey fish, I’ll dart into the street, and you blindly chase after me!!
Wilkins068 8 months ago
That airplane in th first picture looks like it was drew in a ‘Miss Peach’ cartoon by Mell Lazarus
rk 8 months ago
“Phoebe and her Unicorn” is doing the same sort of thing this week, as it happens. Friendly competition/stunt?
9thCapricorn 8 months ago
Such a sad story for two animals of two different species wanting to be together but couldn’t. Since tomorrow Thursday, there’s more to this story yet.
jkime 8 months ago
Fish is my spirit animal!
Vilyehm 8 months ago
I like it.
I don’t like it.
When are we going to get better writing?
Less Bernice.
Is Luann still in this strip?
Readers do what readers like to do.
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member 8 months ago
How about TJ blows up The Fuse, just like he sabotaged his own food truck (yes, I know, the official report says it was an accident, but I still think he rigged it up himself)?
tremaine53 8 months ago
The End.
[Traveler] Premium Member 8 months ago
See Dick. See Dick run….
herdocow 8 months ago
Actually done by experimental Russian propaganda unit to display the harmless intentions of the Putin regime.
Ellis97 8 months ago
Dogs have to run and fish have to swim.
Aladar30 Premium Member 8 months ago
I know Shannon didn’t mean to talk about that, but to me the story of Puddles and Monstro seems more and more like an allegory about Luann and Bernice’s friendship and how the two are becoming distant from each other. Let’s see if the ending can offer a solution that allows this friendship to continue. Such a lovely arc.
artheaded1 8 months ago
Shannon’s storyline is the most compelling one I’ve read here in a while
paldec 8 months ago
Luann and Bernice have been close friends despite their differences for a long time, and this has been addressed in recent arcs. Luann’s story about how she and B met as 1st graders or so comes to mind, and a recent conversation they had about their interactions and different styles (I think the one about Luann procrastinating.) Shannon could be aware of the dynamic at some level. It seems to be an overarching theme of late.
comic reader 22 8 months ago
This is so stupid. Please make it stop.
Stregone39 8 months ago
It’s likely to become a Best Seller
lemonbaskt 8 months ago
wheres luann ?
hoffquotes2 8 months ago
The paint is almost dry
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen 8 months ago
….and now you know why mixed marriages and friendships between fish and dogs sometimes fail.
….also why so many fish decided to remain in the water.
pripley 8 months ago
I like this arc and this version of Shannon. Her story reminds me of.a Tom Waits song; “Fish & Bird” from the album; “Alice”.
comic reader 22 8 months ago
G&K have done a pretty dramatic morph on Shannon. Suddenly she’s a young lady who can wear an adult purse on her shoulder, draws anatomically correct hybrid animals, creates stories and commands adults. I figure they aged her about 2 years this week. All I can say is if they are going to use her more, they seriously need to change her hair.
TravelinMan 8 months ago
Cliff’s Notes for the strip says Fish=Bernice and Dog=Shannon. Discuss.
chaszigmund 8 months ago
I know it’s very hard to be a cartoonist and come up with decent story arcs 7 days a week, but still….
locake 8 months ago
My husband and I are both introverts, we like quiet times alone. I would never be happy with an extrovert. Fish and dog should find compatible friends. They can still talk on phone and text if they want to have a relationship. Just not in person.
Annie352 8 months ago
I don’t like any of the Shannon arcs. There are so many great characters in Luann and we’re subjected to a precocious and obnoxious 6-year-old? Ugh. Call me when it’s over.
mindjob 8 months ago
Doesn’t seem like this friendship is going to work out
BJShipley1 8 months ago
Well, it’s still better written than “The Horrible Haircut.”
cdoorn98 8 months ago
Analogy for Bernice and Luann growing apart perhaps?
BC to LOTR Premium Member 8 months ago
I am really enjoying this arc. Their is engagement from adults in her life and if Bernice is paying attention good communication with her (and Luann gets the benefits of it).
fourteenpeeves 8 months ago
And the day the dogcatcher went fishing,they teamed up to seek revenge….
mfought 8 months ago
probably a moral to this story coming soon
lnrokr55 8 months ago
Wow, this is surreal, now it’s Shannon the Philosopher.Dog & Butterfly anyone …… ;-)
The Quiet One 8 months ago
Puddles does look sad.
我爱漫画 8 months ago
Rhetorical_Question 8 months ago
Is the Luann Puddles and Bernice is the fish?
MFRXIM Premium Member 8 months ago
I love this story! How to be friends and still be your authentic self.
amyluella 8 months ago
Stealing from Pooch Cafe. Poncho and Fish.
rob 8 months ago
Best arc this strip has had in a long time.
Asharah 8 months ago
This is better than when Curtis’s brother Barry wrote a story about a dog & cat who danced all night while the humans went to bed. Curtis improved the story by inserting a page about Godzilla showing up and stomping them to death.
j.painterjones 8 months ago
It’s Shannon’s only good feature. I cannot stand her.
mistercatworks 8 months ago
Regardless of the fairy tales, children do need to learn that most friendships are not forever. It’s OK to hang out with people you like to learn new things but move onto others as your interests change. I’ve had friendships with women that lasted 30 years and others that were only for a few weeks but ended amicably.