Why blame it on the aliens? Humanity made up (G)god, allah, and the gods to control the local population. It’s all about seizing and programing the minds of groups of people.
Why make up gods to do that when it has been well demonstrated that government run schools do a bang-up job of producing crop after crop of useful idiots?
This is the knowledge of the world that is ending. You are chosen, for lack of anybody else being present. Keep it secret. Keep it safe. Rebuild civilization and establish a new age of science and technology with this knowledge. Others will have other knowledge of chemistry, physics and all the sciences. If you do not honor this knowledge, you will have to relearn everything the hard way.You need to be Vishnu Incarnate to read it, though.
yeah, the idea of fighting over God. lot of money there, power, greed, hatred, gosh. the list is endless. sounds like a perfect ( Republican) set up. divide and conquer. just like today in America.
A long time ago, there was an episode of Star Trek (the first one) in which the heroes beam down to a planet, and Dr. McCoy tells Spock that he’s tempted to beam down, and announce, “Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.”
There is so much irony in this, it’s hard to know where to start… let’s start with some ideas from Rabbi Shraga Simmons. He says, first off, that ‘the Chosen People’ (Am Nivchar) doesn’t mean G-d chose the Jews. It meant that the Jews chose to follow a covenant with G-d.-The concept never meant that one people was superior to another (since ancient Jews were, even then, of many races, it was not a racial concept). The idea goes back to the time of Abraham, when most people worshipped more than one god.-Abraham came to a one-god belief, despite the dangers of holding that belief at that time. It was also dangerous to those of his descendants who chose that belief. Nations such as ancient Greece and Rome, which did not separate their rulers from their religion, were happy to conquer other nations and insist that those nations adopt their gods. When they confronted people who thought otherwise, there were problems. If you rejected their gods, you were rejecting their rulers.-Choosing to worship one god also meant following some rules that weren’t particularly popular back then (or now), such as: do not murder, do not worship false gods, do not covet your neighbors goods, and so on.-The Torah was never given just for those who originally chose to follow a one-god religion. When King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, he specifically called on G-d to heed the prayers of non-Jews who came to the Temple (1-Kings 8:41-43) and the prophet Isaiah called the Temple a ‘house of prayer for all nations’.-With a background like this, the idea that a group who decide to follow a one-god religion has evolved into the basis of Holy Wars is ironic, sad, and based on misunderstanding of what the original concept meant to begin with…
“Blind Faith” is NOT what convinces me of the existance of a powerful creator… A God. (or rather “The God”)Abundant evidence of a super-intelligent and powerful being can be seen when objectively looking at the amazingly complex design of even the simplest life forms.
Romans Chapter 1, Verses 20-23: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasoning’s and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things.”
BTW… The God I believe in DOES NOT tell those who believe in Him to harm any other humans. He does not tell them to bring harm to unbelievers. He had his son, Jesus teach: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to, you also must likewise do to them…” (Matthew Chapter 7, verse 12)
So to all of you who blame religion for all the badness and hypocrisy that we have seen through the ages… I agree with you – Religion, or rather FALSE RELIGION… has been responsible for much bloodshed throughout history.But those people who do their best to follow the standards and directions of the Real God of the Bible, Yahweh (“Jehovah” in English) will NOT shed the blood of their fellow human (friend OR enemy). Jesus said to “love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew chapter 5, verses 44-45)
When my children were little and fought over the same toy, I’d take it away from them. So Islam, Christianity, Judaism fight over Jerusalem. Psst, hey Big Guy! Wanna take a hint?
Religion is a very touchy subject anyway,I , for one believe in “God” BUT I do not attend church. My reason is simple, I do believe in God, yet I have trouble trusting the people who work for him.
Pretty funny, but unless this is followed up with aliens burying “lost books” in america, or someone sitting in a cave for years because a voice from above told him to, this is anti – semetic. Piano guy is right, if you dared to do that the streets would burn. Against Jews and Christains its a chuckle and if they speak out like everyone else does you are a narrow minded fool.
-Read “The Handmaid’s Tale” for a possible example-Night-Gaunt49, you don’t have to read “The Handmaid’s Tale”. You can read history. Read about the Spanish Inquisition and the witchcraft trials in Salem, Mass. Or, never mind history. Read the onlijne reports of battles between Shia and Sunni Muslims today….
This is what CAN and HAS happened, but it does not HAVE to happen…
Once I corner the God concession, I will be the only one selling salvation and I can clean up. True, the differences are mostly marketing gimmicks and the product, being eternal salvation, can’t really be tested against any objective standards, but if I concentrate on building brand loyalty, I think I can manage a monopoly. It will help a lot if I can convince my customers that it is in their interest to get rid of the competition. In the name of my money and power and your eternal salvation and/or intellectual supremacy, attack!
wrwallaceii about 11 years ago
Why blame it on the aliens? Humanity made up (G)god, allah, and the gods to control the local population. It’s all about seizing and programing the minds of groups of people.
NuttyBob about 11 years ago
Why make up gods to do that when it has been well demonstrated that government run schools do a bang-up job of producing crop after crop of useful idiots?
Don Winchester Premium Member about 11 years ago
So, it’s ok to mock God. Yet draw a cartoon of Mohammad and the Muslims will burn half the world down.
waycyber about 11 years ago
Religious wars account for a very small percentage of conflicts.
Dtroutma about 11 years ago
Area 51,Garden of Eden??
Ida No about 11 years ago
“God, this gag never gets old!Now, tell them to “pull my finger”! [snort]"
Bilan about 11 years ago
It’s curious that so many atheists complain about the holier-than-thou attitudes of religious people, but then claim that they’re better than them.
pbarnrob about 11 years ago
What’s amazing? ‘Divide and Conquer’ STILL works!
pbarnrob about 11 years ago
What’s amazing? ‘Divide and Conquer’ STILL works!
tripwire45 about 11 years ago
But…aliens are fictional! ;-)
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 11 years ago
This is the knowledge of the world that is ending. You are chosen, for lack of anybody else being present. Keep it secret. Keep it safe. Rebuild civilization and establish a new age of science and technology with this knowledge. Others will have other knowledge of chemistry, physics and all the sciences. If you do not honor this knowledge, you will have to relearn everything the hard way.You need to be Vishnu Incarnate to read it, though.
Oxnate about 11 years ago
Someday, when we learn the truth, we are all going to look back at this strip as a prophesy.
crabbear about 11 years ago
To say nothing about Conservatives!!!! see lamename above
Beleck3 about 11 years ago
yeah, the idea of fighting over God. lot of money there, power, greed, hatred, gosh. the list is endless. sounds like a perfect ( Republican) set up. divide and conquer. just like today in America.
J Short about 11 years ago
We are tolerant: as long as you believe what I believe.
puddlesplatt about 11 years ago
shades of Marvin the Martian LMAOing
milania about 11 years ago
It’s a comic strip, all you religious folks! Get over yourselves!!!
Enoki about 11 years ago
Hey, that crazy looking dude with the electro-shock hair on The History Channel said the same thing on one of those UFO shows! It must be true!.:D
simsku about 11 years ago
You’re upsetting the fundies Wiley. Well done, the only good fundie is an outraged fundie.
sbchamp about 11 years ago
Asplains everything
Can't Sleep about 11 years ago
A long time ago, there was an episode of Star Trek (the first one) in which the heroes beam down to a planet, and Dr. McCoy tells Spock that he’s tempted to beam down, and announce, “Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.”
grainpaw about 11 years ago
It’s all in your head. Check out the God Helmet.http://www.innerworlds.50megs.com/God_Helmet/god_helmet.htmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y02UlkYjSi0
Dr.silly about 11 years ago
Depends on your definition of religious wars. Every war has been justified as being sanctioned by god.
dabugger about 11 years ago
likely truer than other fantasies…..
jack fairbanks about 11 years ago
Stranger than fiction
trollope'sreader about 11 years ago
My sky god doesn’t believe in your sky god.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 11 years ago
Close, but I think the true opposite of “progressives” would be “stagnants”…..
Nelly55 about 11 years ago
good one Wiley………thanks for a great laugh!
Dr.silly about 11 years ago
And have you ever noticed how many athletes refer to themselves as “warriors”? It’s all fitting into the same egocentric delusion.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
There is so much irony in this, it’s hard to know where to start… let’s start with some ideas from Rabbi Shraga Simmons. He says, first off, that ‘the Chosen People’ (Am Nivchar) doesn’t mean G-d chose the Jews. It meant that the Jews chose to follow a covenant with G-d.-The concept never meant that one people was superior to another (since ancient Jews were, even then, of many races, it was not a racial concept). The idea goes back to the time of Abraham, when most people worshipped more than one god.-Abraham came to a one-god belief, despite the dangers of holding that belief at that time. It was also dangerous to those of his descendants who chose that belief. Nations such as ancient Greece and Rome, which did not separate their rulers from their religion, were happy to conquer other nations and insist that those nations adopt their gods. When they confronted people who thought otherwise, there were problems. If you rejected their gods, you were rejecting their rulers.-Choosing to worship one god also meant following some rules that weren’t particularly popular back then (or now), such as: do not murder, do not worship false gods, do not covet your neighbors goods, and so on.-The Torah was never given just for those who originally chose to follow a one-god religion. When King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem, he specifically called on G-d to heed the prayers of non-Jews who came to the Temple (1-Kings 8:41-43) and the prophet Isaiah called the Temple a ‘house of prayer for all nations’.-With a background like this, the idea that a group who decide to follow a one-god religion has evolved into the basis of Holy Wars is ironic, sad, and based on misunderstanding of what the original concept meant to begin with…
WaitingMan about 11 years ago
The “one true religion” is atheism.
Celad about 11 years ago
It wouldn’t be hard to take this as anti-Semitic.
JAMES G AINSWORTH about 11 years ago
“Blind Faith” is NOT what convinces me of the existance of a powerful creator… A God. (or rather “The God”)Abundant evidence of a super-intelligent and powerful being can be seen when objectively looking at the amazingly complex design of even the simplest life forms.
Romans Chapter 1, Verses 20-23: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasoning’s and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things.”
BTW… The God I believe in DOES NOT tell those who believe in Him to harm any other humans. He does not tell them to bring harm to unbelievers. He had his son, Jesus teach: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to, you also must likewise do to them…” (Matthew Chapter 7, verse 12)
So to all of you who blame religion for all the badness and hypocrisy that we have seen through the ages… I agree with you – Religion, or rather FALSE RELIGION… has been responsible for much bloodshed throughout history.But those people who do their best to follow the standards and directions of the Real God of the Bible, Yahweh (“Jehovah” in English) will NOT shed the blood of their fellow human (friend OR enemy). Jesus said to “love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew chapter 5, verses 44-45)
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 11 years ago
mr_sherman Premium Member about 11 years ago
The title “The Genesis of Holy Wars”. It looks like from the comments there’s another one brewing now.
skeeterhawk about 11 years ago
Reminds me of Erich von Däniken’s “Chariots of the Gods?”
Wiley creator about 11 years ago
British comedian, Ricky Gervais once said, “Offence is taken, not given”, and, “Just because you’re offended, it doesn’t mean you’re right”.
It seems there are a lot of people here today going far out of their way to find offense with this simply, silly cartoon.
route66paul about 11 years ago
In all wars, each side claims to have god on their side – all wars turn religious. When patriotism fails, they go to religion.
klunker rider about 11 years ago
Could be worse, could be a giant foot accompanied by John Phillip Sousa music…
lazygrazer about 11 years ago
Religious aliens make God look bad…not space aliens.
chucktrent47 about 11 years ago
Who created the aliens?
bluegirl285 about 11 years ago
Boy, politics yesterday, religion today. Wasn’t there another topic no-no that should never be brought up in conversations?
dflak about 11 years ago
When my children were little and fought over the same toy, I’d take it away from them. So Islam, Christianity, Judaism fight over Jerusalem. Psst, hey Big Guy! Wanna take a hint?
wrwallaceii about 11 years ago
Hey folks try this: http://galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html
we are all correct and we are all incorrect…
Caddy57 about 11 years ago
Religion is a very touchy subject anyway,I , for one believe in “God” BUT I do not attend church. My reason is simple, I do believe in God, yet I have trouble trusting the people who work for him.
WaitingMan about 11 years ago
I won’t make any grammar comments. I don’t know where you get the idea that I follow “just one god”. I follow zero gods, the true amount.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 11 years ago
How do you say “chosen ones” in Unkous?“Grunt! Grunt! Urrrr!”?
Samuel Dollahan Premium Member about 11 years ago
Will80 about 11 years ago
It’s obvious that Wiley Miller does not believe in God.
sammy88 about 11 years ago
Pretty funny, but unless this is followed up with aliens burying “lost books” in america, or someone sitting in a cave for years because a voice from above told him to, this is anti – semetic. Piano guy is right, if you dared to do that the streets would burn. Against Jews and Christains its a chuckle and if they speak out like everyone else does you are a narrow minded fool.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
-Read “The Handmaid’s Tale” for a possible example-Night-Gaunt49, you don’t have to read “The Handmaid’s Tale”. You can read history. Read about the Spanish Inquisition and the witchcraft trials in Salem, Mass. Or, never mind history. Read the onlijne reports of battles between Shia and Sunni Muslims today….
This is what CAN and HAS happened, but it does not HAVE to happen…
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 11 years ago
Once I corner the God concession, I will be the only one selling salvation and I can clean up. True, the differences are mostly marketing gimmicks and the product, being eternal salvation, can’t really be tested against any objective standards, but if I concentrate on building brand loyalty, I think I can manage a monopoly. It will help a lot if I can convince my customers that it is in their interest to get rid of the competition. In the name of my money and power and your eternal salvation and/or intellectual supremacy, attack!
watmiwori about 11 years ago
There’s the rub:
ME: Mine is the true religion, yours is misguided if not maliciously heretical. So we have to have a war to knock some sense into you.
YOU: Repeat the lines above.
Ever notice, both parties claim God is on theirside….
susan.e.a.c about 11 years ago
Some people ask why God allows suffering and so on. Others worry what they’ll say when God asks them the same question.
Mary McNeil Premium Member about 11 years ago
Wow! Ancient Aliens after all!
tgrfemme about 11 years ago
So true, Bilan; I’ve noticed that attitude from many atheists. Don’t they realize the contradiction there? :(
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Closer then you might think…
Michael Arnold almost 11 years ago
Looks about right to me…