Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for December 16, 2014

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 10 years ago

    Oh, how shameful. (Is honey really vegan even though bees which are animals make it, not made from them?)

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  2. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 10 years ago

    I sincerely hope there’s no Great Cow in the Sky — my umbrella isn’t up to the job.

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    Partyalldatyme  almost 10 years ago

    I love all God’s creatures. Many of them are delicious!

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    danfromfreddybeach  almost 10 years ago

    How can "He squirt milk? “He” might be all powerful but only females have that power.

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  5. Tardis21
    cdoorn98  almost 10 years ago

    Victor’s behavior is udderly ridiculous.

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    dadoctah  almost 10 years ago

    And let’s not even get started on silk….

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    bornfree99  almost 10 years ago

    Rat adds milk from a male bovine to his coffee?

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  8. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 10 years ago

    Good to see Rat bring Victor down! Too bad Rat doesn’t know his she-cows (and heifers) from his he-bulls….Isn’t it peculiar for that vegan to visualize his deity as a “great cow” in the sky? Wouldn’t he more likely worship kudzu, or wild artichokes, or maybe sunflowers?

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    jmarkoff2  almost 10 years ago

    When I first heard my mother talk about “PETA people,” I misheard it as “pita people;” I thought it referred to vegans who were so obsessed with staying on track that they would swear to eat only pita bread. This is a misunderstanding worthy of Pig.

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    inshadowz  almost 10 years ago

    Whatever a he-cow squirts in your coffee is not milk, Rat.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 10 years ago

    Is “Victor the Vegan” based on one of Stephan’s friends, a la “Jef the Bicyclist”?

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  12. Burrowing owl attack
    emjaycee  almost 10 years ago

    Visualize whirled peas.

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    puddlesplatt  almost 10 years ago

    reminds me of a joke about Merkin and his

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    KEA  almost 10 years ago

    I don’t see why some people think animal life is superior to plant life.

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  15. Felipe
    Strod  almost 10 years ago

    The Great Cow in the Sky? I can almost hear Clare Torry mooing at a cloud where Richard Wright is playing the celestial piano.

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    Kaputnik  almost 10 years ago

    Pretty classy diner if even their stools are leather covered. You’d think vinyl would be more likely. Of course, Victor may not have thought of that yet.I once asked a vegan I know if vegans would eat honey. I mean, I know they don’t like using animal products, but banning insect secretions seems a bit extreme. She said that some vegans would and others wouldn’t. It didn’t occur to me to ask her about shellac.

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  17. Forbear
    Qiset  almost 10 years ago

    No animal is harmed in the making of honey and it isn’t actually “produced” by the bee like milk is from a cow. So is it ok for a vegan to eat?

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    Brown Leghorn  almost 10 years ago

    Leave it to Rat to say the right thing in that situation. Only an idiot that thought honey was the same as animal flesh would try to milk a bull! As luck would have it he might encounter Ferdinhand!

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  19. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  almost 10 years ago

    “How did the first person ever discover how to milk a cow …"I imagine he or she observed how calves “milked a cow” and imitated them? Ew.

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    rshive  almost 10 years ago

    I’m unrepentant. Many baby polyesters died to make my clothes.

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    155088  almost 10 years ago

    More Crocs, dammit!

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    David Rickard Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Well no, he cannot squirt milk

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    DaveBNM  almost 10 years ago

    Yum, bee puke on my toast!

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  24. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 10 years ago

    Oh, now you’re just milking it for all it’s worth …:Actually, I was talking about something else that comes out of cows, both male and female.

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  almost 10 years ago

    One of the small pleasures of Life is when I engage a person of extreme beliefs, be it Far Left or Far Right, is to do or say something to cause them to begin to Froth at the Mouth.

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  26. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Hey Rat! Cream in your coffee?Not lately.

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  27. Iyaayas
    dbmeyer99  almost 10 years ago

    Not eating meat is a choice… eating meat is an instinct and they’ve served me well so far… if my instincts tell me to eat bacon, i’m gonna eat bacon.

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    Mike Parsons Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Have to agree, db…

    Even swine will eat bacon, for cryin’ out loud. We eat what Mother Nature has designed us to eat.Humans are omnivores, and environment providing, usually have many dietary choices.Key word – choices. Morality? Ask the pig eating bacon.

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    Number Three  almost 10 years ago

    I’m not vegan myself but I have nothing against them at all.

    “To each their own”


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    angelfiredragon  almost 10 years ago

    I thought bee’s were more along the lines of insects, not animals…therefore its an insect product not animal. I also thought vegan think that the best alternative is to eat insects and stuff too?

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    mbzylnf2  almost 10 years ago

    No, that’s adding a middleman.

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    mrcomicsfan  almost 10 years ago

    Pastis forgets people who rescue dogs. A noble pursuit, but the loudest group of people on earth.

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    Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I doubt if HE is a cow, Rat.

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    sdjamieson Premium Member almost 10 years ago


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    claire de la lune.  almost 10 years ago

    “Great cow in the sky.”That was one of the best lines I have read in awhile.

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    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  almost 10 years ago

    Bee Barf — nature’s cure-all.

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    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Moral superiority grows old quickly.The natural result is advanced use of cosmetics and days spent in the mirror, patching up the seams.

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    jnnydnti  almost 10 years ago

    Um, the milk from a “he” cow might taste a little different than what Rat’s used to.

    Then again, maybe that’s what he’s after. Something new, something different. Something spunky.

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  39. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 9 years ago

    Loose the clothes too, hypocrite Viktor.

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    Patman9990  over 8 years ago

    Am I the only one that finds it weird to put honey on toast?

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    BOSFLASH  over 5 years ago

    Punishment by kale lashing.

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    NeilCopeland  over 5 years ago


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    SuperCharged5-  over 2 years ago

    I don’t understand why vegans are so against honey. no harm comes from bees by taking honey, they still have enough honey to survive and thrive, and heck, they LET you take their honey. if they didn’t like it in their artificial hives, they’d just leave.

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    Snuffles [Previously Helikitty]   about 2 years ago

    Bees are insects, so does it really count as animal products?

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    eric_harris_76  almost 2 years ago


    I don’t think you’re going to get milk.

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    alantain  over 1 year ago

    So, do vegans wash and brush their teeth? Because they’re killing millions of living creatures.

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    eric_harris_76  10 months ago

    If “the great cow in the sky” squirts milk into Rat’s coffee, what he squirts won’t be milk.

    Rat isn’t very clueful about cattle, is he?

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