Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 21, 2016
Voice on Phone: Tech support. How can I help you? Rat: Yeah, I've loaded your software onto my and now the computer isn't working at all. Voice on Phone: I'm sorry to hear that. Let's see what I can do. Rat: Fine. Voice on Phone: Okay, to begin, I'd like you to check if it's plugged in. Rat: Plugged in? Is it plugged in? Voice on Phone: Yes, sir. Rat: I've waited forty minutes on hold so that some tech guy could ask me that? Voice on Phone: Yes, sir. It's a checklist I have to go through. Rat: Yeah, well here's my checklist.... Item 1: Stop buying software from companies that treat me like a @#$%@# moron! Item 2: Stop wasting forty minutes on hold to speak to someone as useless as you! Sorry, sir, it's just our procedure that I-
BE THIS GUY almost 9 years ago
Pig did it.
Sherlock Watson almost 9 years ago
(Sad trombone sound)
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
seems like an “F Minus”
knight1192a almost 9 years ago
Well that’s unusual.
comic4matt almost 9 years ago
This happens more often than you’d think…
macky87 almost 9 years ago
“Is it definitely plugged in?” and “have you tried turning it off and then on again?” (as said by Roy from ‘The IT Crowd’)."
Me3000 almost 9 years ago
I worked IT and this was like every 5th call, and yes I had to tell lots of people I had a checklist and they usually responded that way lol
jeff_e almost 9 years ago
That, right there, is a good comic strip.
ursamaj almost 9 years ago
Are you IT guys always that clueless?
juicebruce almost 9 years ago
I feel for the IT folks who must support some of the garbage that there companies are putting out there: Yahoo and T D Ameritrade are two of them…………….If it is not broke please don’t fix it………Please don’t make us go through 3 steps to do what we where able to do in 1 step before………….But then we would not be able to look at all those pretty adds you put in there…………….
Alexander the Good Enough almost 9 years ago
Yup. Been there and done that I don’t know how many times with users. Of course, over the years, I’ve done a few dumb things too. And even if tech support doesn’t have the answer, which is at least half the time, they at least get me thinking about the problem differently, and then I solve it myself. So it’s still worth it.
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
You just made a fool of yourself, Rat. Not that it was a hard thing to do….May your hard drive fry once you get plugged in!
peggykb9 almost 9 years ago
When I first read it, Rat was the one doing tech support and annoying the caller….
Claire Jordan almost 9 years ago
It’s a real issue. A lot of equipment which takes a kettle-type lead has a very tight socket into which it is difficult to get the lead to engage properly, and the lead may either work loose and fall out or, possibly even worse, work just slightly out of position. If this happens to a monitor it can create very strange effects, such as brown and green stripes across the screen.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Sorry sir… that’s a firmware issue.You will have to reflash your head ROM.
dadoctah almost 9 years ago
After you shut down and restart, and then reinstall your operating system, the next step in the script is to create a tachyon pulse by reversing the phase polarity, which will modulate the shield frequencies..Doesn’t anybody watch ST:TNG?
BumptiousQBangwhistle almost 9 years ago
This type of error has a common bug ID. It’s a 10-T.
BumptiousQBangwhistle almost 9 years ago
Cameron1988 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
LOL! LOL! that time it was Rat’s fault!
tom almost 9 years ago
I had a customer on the phone like that. “YOUR *(^^ PROGRAM WON’T PRINT!” After 40 minutes of trying to calm him down and figure out what was up, the printer was plugged into another computer. (Before the days of shared printers.)
bbbmorrell almost 9 years ago
I worked in IT for a long time. I did not have a checklist (I was a department of one) but checking that the power was on was second only to whether they had rebooted. Thing was, the people stupid enough to have the power off seemed to know they were clueless and never got upset about these kind of questions. I knew it was time to retire when someone said “I guess you must think I am stupid?” and I replied “that thought had occurred to me.”
Joken' almost 9 years ago
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Using the CD/DVD player for a cup holder was always a good way to cause a problem. Yes, they did.
Kristiaan almost 9 years ago
There’s a reason it’s on the checklist.
jdsween855 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Then there is always the one about a lady calling because the computer isn’t working and when the IT guy asked her to check if it was plugged in, she said that she would have to get a flashlight to see. When he asked why, she told him because the power was out. Id10T error. Been there. Help desk was a punishment assignment.
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 9 years ago
Step Two – Reboot the computer. A great many problems are solved with that one.
sweetaddietude almost 9 years ago
When I worked in the hospital a doctor was trying to use a piece of equipment but he and his nurse practitioner couldn’t get it to work. I was called in to help. My first question was, “Is it plugged in?” While the NP got defensive the doc looked down and said, “Nope.”
cindyorch almost 9 years ago
hahaha rat…you are soooooo stupid!!!!!!! Take that you piece of rat crap you!!!!!
heatherjasper almost 9 years ago
Looks like something from
Alida_L almost 9 years ago
The same thing happens to me every time I have to call UVerse. Except I’m always plugged in.
whiteaj almost 9 years ago
Not only that, the cord isn’t long enough to reach the outlet.
A_NY_Outlaw almost 9 years ago
uh oh. someone is gonna get kicked in the oompa-loompas I’m afraid.
dutchs almost 9 years ago
When I was in the Army I heard about a cryptography class where the final exam was to troubleshoot an encryption device. One poor guy struggled for 45 minutes and all the tester had done was pull the plug.
tiomax almost 9 years ago
When I was asked to fix a family member’s computer they would ask “What’s wrong?” My response was “Just a loose nut in front of the keyboard!”
codedaddy almost 9 years ago
The computer is missing; the power cord runs only to the monitor! Checking to see that the configuration actually includes a computer deserves to be on the moron checklist in addition to the monitor power.
abbybookcase almost 9 years ago
pig did it. he was trying to be helpful and cut down on the electric bill
Rush Strong Premium Member almost 9 years ago
When I was in IT, we upgraded the H.R. admin assistant’s system from the old green screen to a color monitor. The next morning, we got a support call – no picture. I went to her office and had the pleasure of simply pressing the power button and then witnessing her embarrassment..In all fairness, this lady was a generally pretty sharp cookie. But back in those days of steam powered computers, the monochrome monitors didn’t have a power switch – they plugged into a switched outlet on the PC. And the switch on the replacement wasn’t very obvious..We both got a kick out of it.
winniepaints almost 9 years ago
I LOVE this!!!!! (it happens, but no one will admit it)!
Stream of conscience almost 9 years ago
There are people who think a mouse is a foot pedal. People make the darnedest mistakes.
patlaborvi almost 9 years ago
I remember reading about an IT call where the customer complained that their screen was blank. The IT guy went through his trouble shooting list and when he got to the question about the computer being pugged in the customer said, “hold on, I have to get a flashlight to check.” “A flashlight?” “Yes, we’re in the middle of a power outage here and I need a light.”
patlaborvi almost 9 years ago
I remember reading about an IT call where the customer complained that their screen was blank. The IT guy went through his trouble shooting list and when he got to the question about the computer being pugged in the customer said, “hold on, I have to get a flashlight to check.” “A flashlight?” “Yes, we’re in the middle of a power outage here and I need a light.”
neatslob Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Quite some time ago, a customer called and said his printer wasn’t working. My first thought was that it wasn’t turned on, but I didn’t want to ask him that and make it sound like I thought he was stupid. There were no lights on the outside of this printer, but under the cover there was a status display. I asked him what number was on the status display. He went to check and a minute later came back and said “Never mind” and hung up.
Martin Kaplan almost 9 years ago
I can totally see myself doing something like this!
Jim Kerner almost 9 years ago
gordol almost 9 years ago
This is why we Help Desk folks ask those seemingly stupid questions.
Sheila Hardie almost 9 years ago
Cats, amirite?
knottytippet almost 9 years ago
Dillithamir almost 9 years ago
Yep… every day I see both sides of that.
glowing-steak32 almost 8 years ago
LOAFY about 4 years ago
Tech support has to assume you don’t know anything about computers or they could miss an obvious solution. I mean, let’s get real here. Most people who call tech support ARE just that clueless.
LOAFY about 4 years ago
Anyone else reminded of “The IT Crowd”?
Kirbo almost 4 years ago
lol got mad for nothing
Luffy almost 4 years ago
Ha ha ha ha ha
Josequeen over 3 years ago
Computers have plugs?
the muppets. almost 2 years ago
Poor guy