Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 29, 2008
carmen: they're going to declare eminent domain on our part of prickly city, winslow! they're taking people's homes away to make room for a mall!!! winslow: ha-ha-ha- you're kidding, right? they can't do that!! ...can they? carmen: see you at the opening...
TheFurnace over 15 years ago
So did they get a junior high kid to take over while Stantis is on vacation?
SSFan002 over 15 years ago
This strip is a repeat from 03/09/2005.
ralphman over 15 years ago
So SSF do you approve of EMINENT DOMAIN? I think it’s a large RIPOFF!!! If it’s tried on me they’ll have to pry my land and my house out of my cold dead hands
mrprongs over 15 years ago
Trust me, Ralph, it will be done that way.
TheFurnace over 15 years ago
Wow, I thought it was pretty obvious that was a joke. Guess not.