Prickly City by Scott Stantis for November 03, 2024

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 4 months ago

    Hopefully not shooting!

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    braindead Premium Member 4 months ago

    Magats look forward to another ā€˜stop the stealā€™. Itā€™s exciting on a very visceral level. You get to tell unending LIEs about voter fraud that must have happened because itā€™s obvious The Messiah got more votes. In every state.

    Also, they get to ruin the lives of some people, like Ruby Freeman, at least for a period of time, they get to issue death threats to elected officials and poll workers.

    Maybe, theyā€™ll even get another chance to try to violently overthrow the government of the United States.


    Good times.

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    Humanist  4 months ago

    Democrats are the biggest supporters of Muslims yet Muslims support Trump more than Kamala Harris lol.

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  4. 1djojn
    RobinHood  4 months ago


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  5. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 4 months ago

    But remember, itā€™s only rigged if Babbling Buffoon loses. Then, itā€™s ALWAYS rigged.

    I would love some reporter to ask Trump if he still thinks Cruz cheated and stole the Iowa Caucus in 2016. Or ask Cruz if he did, and why he supports somebody who claimed he did.

    ā€œTed Cruz didnā€™t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!ā€

    ā€œThe State of Iowa should disqualify Ted Cruz from the most recent election on the basis that he cheated ā€“ a total fraud!ā€ ā€“ Trump

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    dotbup  4 months ago

    Sad that people canā€™t seem to process the simple reality that, the past eight Democratic Presidents have had to step in and clean up the messes and tragedies created by their republican predecessors. Nor that literally ALL our current troubles are directly tied to their origin in the policies of the GOP and actions of GOP presidents and congresses.

    From FDR and the great depression, to Clinton and the Reagan budget calamity, Obama and the Bush II near depression, 9-11, and the Gulf wars, to Biden and the COVID and budget/trade debacles of trump. There hasnā€™t been a single republican president in nearly a century who hasnā€™t left the nation worse off than it was when he began his term.

    Itā€™s simply fact. Economists and his very own people say he will be even worse than last time.

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    ctolson  4 months ago

    And 2Xminimum vitrol from DJT.

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    William Robbins Premium Member 4 months ago

    Well, weā€™re in the home stretch and what a lot of voters know just aint soā€¦ crossing finger and toes.

    Somebody tweeted, ā€œI googled my symptoms, and it turns out I just need this election to be over.ā€

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  9. 09 ben turpin
    sloaches  4 months ago

    I will be happy just to be able to have a weekend of watching College/NFL football games without needing to hit the mute button at every commercial break. I swear, the closer we get to Election Day the crazier the political ads get.

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  10. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  4 months ago

    Worst political ad ever ā€“ and I donā€™t even think this third party is even trying to win.

    Two solid minutes of showing dead fetuses.

    ā€œA vote for Kamala is a vote for murder.ā€

    Aimed at black voters. (He says so in the ad)

    One thing, though. The candidate understands full well the point and purpose of third party candidates.

    Which is, not to win, but to help someone else loseā€¦

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    GentlemanBill  4 months ago

    No more vitriol? Thatā€™s a bit naive, I think.

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    Spacetech  4 months ago

    Donā€™t Forget the endless impeachmentsā€¦ā€¦..

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  13. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 4 months ago

    The day after the election is like Black Friday for lawyers, its when they make their money for the term.

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  14. Odin
    Holden Awn  4 months ago

    Donā€™t forget it becomes kickoff season for collusion / outside interference investigations, and of course the mandatory interminable impeachment effortsā€¦

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 4 months ago

    Brace for riots once trump loses AGAIN. In our state the Governor has activated the National Guard starting tomorrow in preparation for any post election violence. And we donā€™t even live in a swing state

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    sandflea  4 months ago

    The only people trying to steal an election are the members of the tRump cult.

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    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    All Americans should be prepared to defend the United States of America.

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    Radish...   4 months ago

    Thatā€™s what anti democracy republican losers do, lie, shout, sue and try to overthrow the legitimate USA gov

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  19. Sunimage
    Sun  4 months ago

    If Donald Trump wins the 2024 election, there will be a lot of Diaper Democrats whining and crying about it. Democrat tears are delicious.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 months ago

    Are there ANY other forms of recreation out there besides rock jumping?

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