But MAGAts are a special kind of hypocrite. They’ll ban using student ID or tribal ID to register to vote, but will allow hunting licenses. Way to show whose vote you want to suppress.
Everyone is a little hypocritical, but making a huge public show of your “Christianity” while hating your neighbor and loving money isn’t a “little” hypocritical. It’s being a total phony.
The problem with maga voters is not that they are just UN/MIS-informed, but that they have been carefully groomed, programmed, deliberately lied to, and driven functionally insane — and made addictively dependent on their insanity-inducing drug of choice, right-wing nut job media.
So “propaganda” and “misinformation” — Misinformation implies that the problem is one of facts, but it’s never been a problem of facts. It’s a problem of people wanting to receive information that makes them feel comfortable and happy. So morons believe the best is the worst, up is down, whatever dear leader says.
And this has been a deliberate choice by the media oligarchs, using propaganda and hate-mongering to expand their political power and increase their already bloated fortunes. A cabinet of billionaires is no coincidence.
Hey, Dementia Joe! You have only 8 1/2 days to pardon the Biden Crime Family preemptively. You’d better hurry up, the libs on this page claim Trump is building concentration camps, LOL!
The dude from FL Premium Member 28 days ago
Can’t argue
danielmkimmel 28 days ago
But MAGAts are a special kind of hypocrite. They’ll ban using student ID or tribal ID to register to vote, but will allow hunting licenses. Way to show whose vote you want to suppress.
Ignatz Premium Member 28 days ago
Everyone is a little hypocritical, but making a huge public show of your “Christianity” while hating your neighbor and loving money isn’t a “little” hypocritical. It’s being a total phony.
Molon Labe 28 days ago
Only 9 days of democrat -inflicted misery left.
dotbup 28 days ago
^“Thinks” the best economic recovery on the planet is misery. You can’t fix stupid.
dotbup 28 days ago
Propagandized voters.
The problem with maga voters is not that they are just UN/MIS-informed, but that they have been carefully groomed, programmed, deliberately lied to, and driven functionally insane — and made addictively dependent on their insanity-inducing drug of choice, right-wing nut job media.
So “propaganda” and “misinformation” — Misinformation implies that the problem is one of facts, but it’s never been a problem of facts. It’s a problem of people wanting to receive information that makes them feel comfortable and happy. So morons believe the best is the worst, up is down, whatever dear leader says.
And this has been a deliberate choice by the media oligarchs, using propaganda and hate-mongering to expand their political power and increase their already bloated fortunes. A cabinet of billionaires is no coincidence.
RobinHood 28 days ago
Havel 28 days ago
Terence knew (can’t post the original Latin):
“I’m human, and I think nothing human is alien to me.”jackboyd85 28 days ago
Spot on Billy Bush.
jconnors3954 28 days ago
Realize that all humans judge, some actually admit it.
rossevrymn 28 days ago
Scott, you’re the same person whose podcast partner thinks Ukraine deserves what Russia has done to it.
Molon Labe 28 days ago
Hey, Dementia Joe! You have only 8 1/2 days to pardon the Biden Crime Family preemptively. You’d better hurry up, the libs on this page claim Trump is building concentration camps, LOL!
ncorgbl 28 days ago
All humans have some hypocrisies, no question. But hypocrisy is a basis and requirement of conservatism.
olds_cool63 28 days ago
Being human is overrated!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 26 days ago
Greenland invades Florida. De Santis quickly surrenders