The men’s hair tonic industry realized their time had come and gone. The Dry Look was a hairspray for men.
“Love them with insults” Valentines were popular for awhile. Or so I’ve read.
You can’t make a handyman out of a banjo man.
Ah, the nineties … between the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9-11, when the world seemed sane.
OK, I’ll say it. She looks like Melania.
That’s safer than drinking it
I hear there’s one or two doctors in NYC.
This took a very Frank Reade, Jr. turn
Paper files? Must be archives they haven’t gotten around to digitizing.
Every liberal Democrat running for President since FDR was a Communist, according to the GOP candidates. There are enough tired tropes to go around.
The men’s hair tonic industry realized their time had come and gone. The Dry Look was a hairspray for men.