Cat lying on back t2

BJIllistrated Premium

Happy fairly healthy boomer, wanna be cartoonist, and all round lover of life. My furry friends are my companions on this journey. Outgoing, and loves to read comments from my friends here on Go Comics.

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  1. about 5 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    I’m pretty sure they managed without you Amanda, but like mine, they most likely greeted you at the door with mournful looks on their little faces to make you feeling guilty and give them lots of treats to make up for it, right? It’s really cat code for "Mom’s home, let’s get some treats!

  2. about 5 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    Don’t know about you, but if I was speaking with a judge or congressman and they called me “Lamb” or “Honey” I would run, not walk to a voting booth somewhere fast.. I think you’re safe to sign those papers Amanda, just sayin…

  3. about 5 hours ago on Amanda the Great

    Wow! First comment of the day! How did I get so lucky?? Good morning to you all ladies and gents….

  4. 1 day ago on Amanda the Great

    Heck, it’s the next day for me to actually read this. Who am I to complain.

  5. 2 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Well, I see we have a lot of nay sayers here regarding coffee taste. No each his or her own. I can say I like each at times, but coffee is my go too drink of choice. Not black, not from a particular vendor. Just a dark blend mixed with my own creamer mixture. Much cheaper than store bought and if I do say so myself it’s as good or better in most cases. Recipe upon request :-)

  6. 3 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Awww…..quite “clowning around” and tell us how your REALLY felt :-)

  7. 5 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Mines in the living room so no doors to close. Not that I would even if I did. My kitties are a nice distraction for me anyway.

  8. 5 days ago on Amanda the Great

    OH! That’s why this one to the left is always in my way…

  9. 6 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Oh I think you’re intitled to the occaisonal lazy strip. I have no idea how you can think up what you draw on a daily basis anyway. HAPPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!!!

  10. 7 days ago on Amanda the Great

    Yes, this is me in a nutshell. I don’t really care because I have nobody else to talk to about it other than the cats. They never tire of me making a fool of myself over them. It’s what we do…