Or the Jane Starfighter…
It’s the Last Janefighter!
You can tell this is an old strip, she’s writing in cursive!
Like “the Architects of Fear” from The Outer Limits. Or Watchmen.
That’s God’s country! We love our cottage on the Betsie (if it doesn’t fall into the river.)
In southeast Michigan I have never watered our yard. (I hesitate to call it a lawn, too much variety of weeds/volunteers to qualify as ‘lawn’. When it’s dry enough it’s brown. I’ve had to mow a lot this summer so far.
I wonder if she borrowed that pool from Lio…
In my castle, I am the chef. I am the one to grumble when my implements or vessels are not in their appointed places…
They have the most amazing origami-like folding wing structures!
Baked beans are out! Could I have spam instead?
Or the Jane Starfighter…