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Al Fresco, the Librarian Free

Retired high school government teacher, HS, college and public libraries, a world traveler, Mensa member, and a regular Fox News viewer. BA, MST, partial MEd, and MLS. 6 yrs Naval Reserve. Voted mostly DEM since JFK, then GOP after Bill Clinton. A former member of the ACLU, the AFT and NEA unions. A matured liberal, ie. conservative and a Catholic. The world has changed, but my basic beliefs have not. I love satire, sarcasm, snarky humor, politics, talk radio, and reading historical fiction and the newspaper cartoons. I’m a White heterosexual fan of the cartoon “The Fusco Brothers” and my avatar is AL FUSCO, therefore Al FRESCO. All Woke followers may address me by my preferred pronoun “YOU.” Mister or Sir is also acceptable.

Recent Comments

  1. 4 months ago on FoxTrot

    My neighbor has his Christmas lights up on his house already. Or, were those from last year?

  2. 5 months ago on Gil Thorp

    The Mularks are in big trouble. Did they fumble the kick-off or have the rules changed. Now you can receive your own kick?

  3. 7 months ago on Bob Gorrell

    “It takes more than that to kill a bull moose.” —— Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 about the failed attempt on his life in Milwaukee, WI.

  4. 7 months ago on Steve Kelley

    The comment made by Jamie Gangel (CNN) about Trump using the word “Fight,” as he was led bleeding from the stage, was so odd. Her husband is an Israeli spy thriller novelist that I follow. The hero, Gabriel Allon, who has brought down many, many enemies of Israel and others in Daniel Silva’s best sellers, might have said the same as he exacted revenge on the evildoers of the world.

  5. 7 months ago on Steve Kelley

    The comment made by Jamie Gangel (CNN) about Trump using the word “Fight,” as he was led bleeding from the stage, was so odd. Her husband is an Israeli spy thriller novelist that I follow. The hero, Gabriel Alon, who has brought down many, many enemies of Israel and others in Daniel Silva’s best sellers, might have said the same as he exacted revenge on the evildoers of the world.

  6. 7 months ago on Steve Kelley

    Big Trump haters never fail to miss an opportunity to malign him.

  7. 7 months ago on Steve Kelley

    Why are you so anxious to label Trump another Hitler? What is your dysfunctional purpose in encouraging more hate?

  8. 7 months ago on Steve Kelley

    That is truly sick.

  9. 7 months ago on Gary Varvel

    Perhaps. I was at a loss of what to say about the inane comment made. Rather than let that stand I used a single word in the hopes to make all the crass comments stop. In a hour I’ll make the decision to retract it if it would help tamp the temperature down.

  10. 7 months ago on Gary Varvel

    I’m not a gun nut. I don’t own one. I learned in military training I might enjoy using it. Few are gun nuts. If the 2nd A offends you go through the legal hoops to change it. If I am wrong I’ll admit so. But the NRA is not for defending the right of the insane to own gun or an untrained, irresponsible person from using one.