I have to disagree with both Grandma Lea, and WndyCity.
1, under no circumstances whatsoever would Cadet Bonespurs put himself at risk. 2, one person was killed and one person injured, other than the aforementioned CB. I infer that the shooter had no long-range shooting skills, simply popped off three rounds, and CB just got lucky.
fusilier, who would really like to see the patholgy report
“I can’t stomach Trump,” Vance said in an interview with NPR, when describing why he would vote for a third-party candidate. “I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.”
He even considered voting for Hillary Clinton over Trump: “I think there’s a chance, if I feel like Trump has a really good chance of winning, that I might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton.”
Just Sayin’:
www . larryniven . net/?q=bibliographic-reference/man-of-steel-woman-of-kleenex
fusilier, SMOF, jg (ret.)
James 2:24