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David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen Free

Mechanical Engineering graduate, former field engineer SWS, former Petroleum Engineer Texaco, former Central Water Works, Inc former President, teacher-briefly, former Bus Operator, former Dispatcher (until 29 August 2024), former MENSA, going downhill, 2 children, 1 wife, 6 grandchildren, major flaw: excessive humility--or silly sense of humor, live in Bluff Springs, Florida--relatively sane by Florida standards, everybody loves me (although most ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to admit it), AB- blood if you need some

Recent Comments

  1. 4 minutes ago on Luann

    Irrefutable logic.

    Questionable assumptions, though.
  2. about 3 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “Did “Dementia Joe” ever praise the Minutemen of the American Revolution for protecting airports?”

    You must give Donald credit for the fact that it is true that the Red Coats did not conquer a single airport during the Revolutionary War.

    (On the other hand, there wasn’t a SINGLE airport after the war.)

  3. about 3 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “Trump’s doing amazing cleaning up the messes left behind by Hunter and Dementia Joe.”

    So disrespectful towards a real president. Covering up good with dung is not cleaning up.

    Meanwhile you can’t cite a single example of deeply flawed Hunter Biden creating a real mess or Joe Biden showing mental problems as bad as or worse than Donald’s best day in office.

  4. about 3 hours ago on Doonesbury

    I’m looking forward to it.

    People make the mistake, though, of concentrating on former great actors. Anyone could be scanned and used as base models. Even I could be a great actor with enough computer power. I could make the same movie in a hundred different languages with the moves of Cary Grant or Kathryn Hepburn and the other actors could be many different other people who never acted at all. It could be you or even your good-for-nothing brother-in-law on the leading or supporting roles. It could be the same person filling every role like Peter Sellers only more so.

    The future is bright.

  5. about 15 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “It’s the same land they fight over.”

    Same land, different people.

    Philistines and Palestinians are not the same. The gods of the Philistines are not the Allah of the Palestinians, those that are Muslim that is.

    And regarding fighting over land, well that goes on all over the place. I remember right between France and Germany is one spot that they just kept changing back and forth. I remember that was why Schlumberger was spelled like a German word but with a French pronunciation. That does not mean that France and Germany were always at war with each other. They gave their wars different names, different beginning and ending dates, different excuses.

  6. about 15 hours ago on Last Kiss

    I remember my teeth.

    Meanwhile, I continue to grind the remaining ones down to dust.

  7. about 15 hours ago on Tarzan

    I was confused for decades by the fact that Edgar Rice Burroughs referred to apes and gorillas as if they were different creatures.

    (You may have noticed that I am EASILY confused.)

  8. about 15 hours ago on Agnes

    The stuff of nightmares.

    (?Why am I laughing?)

  9. about 15 hours ago on Herman

    It is hard to complain that he’s a cheapskate when he notified you in writing.

  10. about 15 hours ago on Baby Blues

    All right I will get admit Wanda is just flat out being unreasonable here…. it’s not even July yet!!