Yes. The one summer evening that a derecho took out our power, it was out for 3 sweltering 104°f days, almost 4. Hubby had never seen the need to buy a generator. Instead, he bought dry ice to keep our cold food from spoiling, he slept on the floor of the garage, and I camped out under a mosquito net on the deck. When it looked like the outage would go on for more days, (and no local stores had any generators left,) Hubby drove a few hours to borrow one from a friend. He arrived home, had set up the generator out behind the garage and was stringing an extension cord to the refrigerator, when our power came back on. That was almost 7 years ago. We haven’t lost power for more than a few minutes since.
You arn’t being overly dependent on it. You’re using a certain function of GPS to help you make decisions. I drove across country with a friend last year—from DC to San Diego. I swear, she could get lost in a parking lot. I’d say something like, ‘we came off the interstate, made two right turns drove past two traffic lights and turned left. To get back, you need to reverse those directions. She’d get this deer-in-the-headlights look and say “I don’t know. The GPS will tell me.” This was a person with an advanced degree in engineering, but she didn’t know how to orient herself with a map.
We don’t fight. Half the time I think he does it to entertain himself. When that happens, my answer is—if you rearrange my kitchen tools, I’ll go downstairs and rearrange the tools in your shop. (His shop is meticulously organized.) Lately, I think he is getting more and more forgetful. Maybe he chooses to unload the dishwasher and put things away to challenge himself. Frequently, he just stacks things on the counter closest to where he thinks they go.
We live in ice-storm country. In the 50+ years we’ve been in this house, the power has only been out longer than 12 hours once. And, that was in mid-summer when it was 104° f. The 12 hour outages? Twice, during hurricanes.
Give Janis a break. Ice storms that far south aren’t too common.
First, enjoy yourself while you have power. Make some soup. Make some popcorn. If you rely on electricity to pump your water, maybe fill up a bathtub with hot water. Check the batteries in your flashlights. Gather up some quilts and blankets and make yourself a nest. Then IF the power goes out, you can worry about it staying out.
Also, remember that sharing body heat works best skin-to-skin.
I was expecting her to say “I don’t always know where things are because you never put them back in the same place”
That happens in our house all the time. I ask, “Where’s the tiny cutting board?” He answers, “I put it where you always keep it: on the third shelf.” I say, “That’s not where I keep it.” He says, “Oh really, when did you stop storing it there?” “Three years ago, dear.” Can you hear me rolling my eyes.
Beans, beans, the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you…..heat up the space beneath the covers….