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Richard S Russell Premium

A lefty (both senses) SF fan retired from a career in public service, currently living in Madison, Wisconsin, a state so wonderful people are willing to put up with the winters just to live here.

Recent Comments

  1. about 11 hours ago on In the Bleachers

    The way I’ve heard it is that your memory is like the theater of the mind, in which different actors, directors, costumers, set designers, and script writers step in with guest appearances from time to time. It’s not a documentary film crew. What you’re getting are recreations, not re-enactments. And yes, that’s true whatever your age is, perhaps even most so for the very young.

  2. about 16 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    This just in: By royal decree, the vassal province formerly known as California will henceforth be called LaLaLand. In like wise the garderobe previously hight New York City shall hereafter be designated Place Where Immigrants Go To Die. Thus it has been ordained, so mote it be, all hail the GodKingEmperor!

  3. about 16 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    By royal decree, the vassal province formerly known as California will henceforth be called LaLaLand. In like wise the garderobe previously hight New York City will hereafter be designated Place Where Immigrants Go To Die. Thus it has been ordained, so mote it be, all hail the GodKingEmperor!

  4. about 16 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    By royal decree, the vassal province formerly known as California will henceforth be called LaLaLand. In like wise the garderobe previously hight New York City will hereafter be designated Place Where Immigrants Go To Die. Thus it has been ordained, so mote it be, all hail the GodKingEmperor!

  5. about 18 hours ago on The Argyle Sweater

    I’m not related to any of the famous Russells (not Bertrand either). And I’m a lifelong resident of Wisconsin, USA. But I am really fond of science in general and the metric system in particular.

  6. about 19 hours ago on In the Bleachers

    I’m not a golfer at all — never have been, never intend to be — but even I could see that he wasn’t getting set to putt.

  7. about 21 hours ago on Frazz

    Ah, the good old days, when something bad that happened to you wasn’t invariably someone ELSE’S fault.

  8. about 21 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Well, my main point was “Why didn’t they build it a dozen miles farther north or south?”. While there may be historical reasons for the city as a whole being where it is, surely by the time they were putting up the stadium they had a long meteorological record of what the weather was like on that particular spot.

  9. about 21 hours ago on Doonesbury

    When it comes to determining the WORST president, my normal nominee is William Henry Harrison (the top half of 1836’s “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” Whig Party ticket). He’s a guy who literally didn’t have the sense to come in out of the rain. He delivered his long-winded inaugural address in a driving rainstorm, came down with pneumonia, and died a month later, having accomplished almost nothing. The only reason he isn’t ranked at the absolute bottom by most historians is that he never did much damage, either, during that month.

  10. about 21 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    OK, let’s put this new method to the test. Here’s the answer: “complete and utter disruption, destruction, chaos, and shambles”. Working backwards, what was the question?