They raised minimum starting teacher salary in Arkansas a couple of years back. So my salary was raised to match and now after 24 years, I make the same as a first year teacher.
Right after child proof caps came out, my father came home to find the aspirin bottle shattered on the kitchen counter and a claw hammer laying next to all the aspirins scattered over the counter. My mother had a headache. ;)
Commercially raised pigs are fed a “store bought” ration for the most part, ( any garbage has to be cooked to reduce trichinosis and other nasty little critters), but a lot of folks are now raising pigs on their own small farms plus wild (i.e. feral) hogs don’t have that option. My comment wasn’t so much on what they were being fed today, but what they would consume if given the opportunity. Having been around hogs my entire life, I’ve seen them eat a wide variety of stuff, and heard a few horror tales of others. ;)
As a kid, our water came from a spring. In the summer, Ma would always worry that it would run dry so she would make me take a bath in about an inch of water, she wouldn’t let me take a shower because it used too much water. In addition, it was her leftover bath water. I always thought it unfair that my much older siblings and my father got to take showers. And yes, I did sometimes just splash water on the soap instead of using it.
As a real Olympic side note. Has there ever been an Olympics in modern times with as many disqualifications as this one or am I just more aware of it this time around?
I think the last shoe store x-ray machine was found in a shop in Tennessee in the 1980’s. It wasn’t in use but still there.