The Inner Monologue. A bane to actors and presenters.
You look mmmmmmma-velous.
Sooo. When they told us god was omnipresent, they were talking about Neptune?
Need any string? I’ve a boatload of it since planting those beans.
Karma’s warning likely extends to any touring and local productions as well.
We’re not confused.
I C D K N D C.
I wonder if Balto was that chatty.
I never subscribed to the “imagine them in their underwear” method as a means to counter stage fright.
I just tried to think of it as just another dress rehearsal, with no stopping and an added laugh track.
I hear alot of dial up modem, reading that conversation.
Why do I get the impression his statement will end with, “like a rash”?
The Inner Monologue. A bane to actors and presenters.