
Rocky Premium

Late-middle age white guy. Happily married. Haven't missed a days work since sometime in the nineties. Christian, hope-for-the-best-deal-with-whatever-type.

Comics I Follow

Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

By Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger


By Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis
Baby Blues

Baby Blues

By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott
The Middle Age

The Middle Age

By Steve Conley


By Dan Thompson
Gil Thorp

Gil Thorp

By Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill


By Jim Davis
Jen Sorensen

Jen Sorensen



By Brooke McEldowney
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller


By Garry Trudeau
The City

The City

By John Backderf
Real Life Adventures

Real Life Adventures

By Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich
Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

By Parker and Hart
C'est la Vie

C'est la Vie

By Jennifer Babcock


By Aaron Neathery
Diamond Lil

Diamond Lil

By Brett Koth
Jane's World

Jane's World

By Paige Braddock
Rose is Rose

Rose is Rose

By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady
Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

By Stephan Pastis
9 Chickweed Lane

9 Chickweed Lane

By Brooke McEldowney
Big Nate

Big Nate

By Lincoln Peirce
Arlo and Janis

Arlo and Janis

By Jimmy Johnson


By Mastroianni and Hart


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Ripley's Believe It or Not

Ripley's Believe It or Not

By Ripley’s Believe It or Not!


By Robb Armstrong
Gray Matters

Gray Matters

By Stuart Carlson and Jerry Resler
Phoebe and Her Unicorn

Phoebe and Her Unicorn

By Dana Simpson
Working Daze

Working Daze

By John Zakour and Scott Roberts
Aunty Acid

Aunty Acid

By Ged Backland
The Meaning of Lila

The Meaning of Lila

By John Forgetta and L.A. Rose
Zen Pencils

Zen Pencils

By Gavin Aung Than


By Rick McKee
Tom the Dancing Bug

Tom the Dancing Bug

By Ruben Bolling
Rip Haywire

Rip Haywire

By Dan Thompson
Unstrange Phenomena

Unstrange Phenomena

By Ed Allison
Luann Againn

Luann Againn

By Greg Evans
Ink Pen

Ink Pen

By Phil Dunlap
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson
Breaking Cat News

Breaking Cat News

By Georgia Dunn
Fowl Language

Fowl Language

By Brian Gordon
Lay Lines

Lay Lines

By Carol Lay
Everyday People Cartoons

Everyday People Cartoons

By Cathy Thorne
In Security

In Security

By Bea R.

Recent Comments

  1. about 9 hours ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    It’s absolutely amazing. Billions of dollars of American taxpayer dollars wasted, stolen, and used for the benefit of our enemies, yet all the democrats and their stooges want to cry about is Trump and Musk. Why aren’t any of you up in arms about the wasted resources? Do you hate Trump so badly that you would rather condone the crimes being committed and YOUR money being wasted rather than rise up in righteous anger at those who have defrauded our entire country? If that’s the case, you are truly a bunch of sad, worthless individuals…

  2. about 10 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    There’s also an artist position open…hopefully.

  3. 3 days ago on Aunty Acid

    Maybe. But one of my mistakes was not buying gold in 1975. Or buying stock in Apple and Microsoft….

  4. 3 days ago on Aunty Acid


  5. 4 days ago on Zen Pencils

    I love this one. It is so true.

  6. 8 days ago on Pearls Before Swine


  7. 9 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    The Biden-Harris Economic Record is Sticker ShockSeptember 11, 2024Chairman Smith: “To add insult to injury, Vice President Harris’s next move is to let the Trump tax cuts expire and raise taxes by $7 trillion. Trillion with a capital T.”

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for August 2024:

    “Americans already pay 20 percent more to cover the cost of basic necessities because of the Biden-Harris Administration, and those costs went up again last month according to the latest inflation report. The core rate of inflation is more than double what it was when President Biden and Vice President Harris took the oath of office. After more than three years of their economic policies, the record is one of sticker stock, no matter if it’s gas, groceries, or a home. President Biden and Vice President have continued to hide from the press hoping to somehow deceive the American people about the truth of their economic record. And to add insult to injury, Vice President Harris’s next move is to let the Trump tax cuts expire and raise taxes on all Americans by $7 trillion. Trillion with a capital T.

    “Under that plan, small businesses would have to pay a tax rate more than 20 percent higher than Communist China. Families would see their taxes go up and their Child Tax Credit slashed in half. It’s unacceptable, and it’s why Ways and Means Republicans are hard at work to protect Americans from the Biden-Harris tax hike. Our Tax Teams have already held over 65 stakeholder roundtables, listening sessions, field events, and site visits and have traveled to 16 states to hear from the American people about their ideas to build on the successful Trump tax cuts and help working Americans provide for their families and get ahead.”

    Key Background:

    Everything Costs More: Prices have increased 20.3 percent since the beginning of th

  8. 9 days ago on Gray Matters

    Fire is simple and effective,,,

  9. 9 days ago on Gil Thorp

    A Tribble? Like from “Star Trek”? That’s hilarious!

  10. 9 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Then just try googling “Biden-Harris Economic record is sticker shock”. It isn’t rocket science. You simply refuse to read the facts when they don’t support your narrative. Oh, well, It doesn’t really matter now. Trump is back in office and doing a fine job of making liberals cry…