There are reliable fact-checking websites such as PolitiFact (www . politifact . com), (factcheck . org), Snopes (snopes . com), The Washington Post Fact Checker (Washingtonpost . com / news / fact-checker), Reuters Fact Check, (reuters . com / fact-check), AP Fact Check (apnews . com /AP-Fact-Check) and Lead Stories (leadstories . com). But those won’t help the many for whom facts are either irrelevant or only what they assert.
God has provided clear & simple tests to see if we follow His two main commandments, His other 10 with specific guidelines, and His Son’s Sermon on the Mount. Yes, simple. The more one rationalizes reasons to not do so, well, the more daily failures there are. Sadly, how too many people responds to these daily tests indicates that Heaven won’t be crowded.
Raised a Catholic & was taught to hold my hands folded when praying. But after a few years in parochial school and many masses it became clear very, very few prayed that way, including most priests. Over time in real life when I saw this, it was people high-fiving.
But it’s worst for the 350 largest publicly traded companies. See https : // www . statista . com / statistics / 261463 / ceo-to-worker-compensation-ratio-of-top-firms-in-the-us /
Great song! The opening riff is classic.