yep: “It’s Biden’s fault.”
why is mr. lockhorn here?
Cartoonist eats own weight in potato chips.
Less talk! More liberation!
please remember that the original “Ugly American” was the hero of the novel, an engineer who didn’t look like much, but changed people’s lives for the better, as did his wife.
If you’re not prepared to be innocently “insulted,” you’ve little business being a grown-up in pre-school/kindergarten.
there’s a body in the back?
nice effect, panel two
“sun” = troll, troll, drooling troll. Trump’s mind, not Joe’s. As anyone can clearly see.
y’know? ALL the derogatory stuff being bandied about about Kamala and I’ll STILL vote for her against he who we’re embarrassed to call “45”.
yep: “It’s Biden’s fault.”