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Space_cat Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Ten Cats

    Don’t know why a majority of the Teamsters would vote against their own interest in the long term. But cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face is a republican hallmark of their delusional mass stupidity. My grandfather was a teamster for 38 years, my great-grandfather even longer. Both were staunchly democrat, because they never forgot, that they owed their opportunities and comfortable lifestyle to strong unions.

  2. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    They do, it takes a year or more, I recently found a lost little white one from last year. Obviously batted beneath the sofa, by certain furry miscreants. Even though it only had one spot starting to go bad. It now rests atop the compost heap where it should have been last November.

  3. 5 days ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    If you believe that an AI that has no sense of taste can make a better coffee blend than someone with a tongue and palate, then indeed, your intelligence is merely artifice!

  4. 9 days ago on Doonesbury

    Come a little closer we’ll show you pitiful!

  5. 16 days ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    10 minutes, 5 each way x 180 days a year = 6.25 days.

  6. 17 days ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    I spend 6.25 days a year commuting! Not too shabby! Some mornings I wish it was a little bit longer!

  7. 19 days ago on Wizard of Id

    Toxoplasmosis Rodney? There’s no cure BTW but if you insist just lick that areas below the cat’s tail!

  8. 19 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Altruism Alert! Please feel free to steal these ideas! *BCN Babies could be a great idea for a children’s book. Paired with a pure white Squishmallow version of Lupin, An interactive story about his ability to disappear, could have young readers trying to hide their own stuffed Lupin around the house and take pictures of the funny results! What great fun!, what free advertising! I’m sure our esteemed comments section colleagues have great ideas as well, since we all love your strip so much!

  9. 19 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I did and then after checking Google Street view I learned there is a pet shop across the street that delivers.

  10. 19 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    He did, and much to his chagrin, the relationship has cooled a bit, plus, Barb and Linda got to talking quite a bit and of course “Compare notes” hahaha (eye roll) on what he has told them. In short: still fricking squirrelly! Richard has Addison’s disease, between the stress of moving, not eating right (single guys amirite?) and 115 degrees in CHICAGO! The “holy fool” had a “Crisis” he couldn’t think of poor Puddin let alone his phone charger when he went to the hospital. His place is in Winnetka, not Wilmette, a very tony suburb full of boring, middle management types with too much income. He is desperately trying to recapture his old life but isn’t making the bucks to pull it off. I’m sure the neighbors think the tiny white Hyundai he drives must be the maid’s car! LOL!