As a lot of people have said the strip is set in the 80’s, though it shifted over time to be a mix of the 80’s and 90’s. (hence the presence of something similar to pokemon). But while I had school in the 2000’s I also left for special education classes among my regular ones so while there was more mainstreaming, we still had classes apart. early on it was just iep meetings. I do prefer mainstreaming as while there can be bullying, being confined to one class away from everyone else put a stigma on things. Having some classes with people with disablities on the other hand makes it easier to bond and find people who get you. It’s how I made a lot of my friends.
I’m also curious if this status quo shif tis premenant or will end with Kevin alternating classes, as we stil lhave 50 strips left in this arc (checked Tahuid’s instagram which reposts the strip and counts which part of an arc it is).
Good stuff! Tab and Fig are back and Gerogia actually explained why the two are so scarce: it’s hard on panel space to use them for reports due to the translation. It’s something I wondered about reading the strip twice. I assumed she simply didn’t have ideas for them anymore as tends to be common for comic strips. I underestimated her.
She has two kids to prepare for school and make sure they get breakfast and have lunches. If she wants to save the work for herself or treat herself let her.
Gil you’ve been coaching for several decades now. You should be used to toxic masculinity