Dogs don’t know it’s not chocolate.
I have learned some useful information through the comments because of the context of the comic.
Actually a fairly new fad. Check out “kitty purse” on Google
FYI: The yo-yo was a deadly weapon in Ancient China.
In the book series, Warriors by Erin Hunter, there is a clan of cats called River Clan. They swim, fish, and love the water.
Does anyone ever know what’s going on with Bob? It is Bob, you know.
Oh, Comic Gods, I beg of you. Stop! Please. We can’t even handle one Rory. Look at poor Stan.
YEA! Go for it, Girls…er…Mice
If the cat-nappers are planning on taking Sophie to a cat show of sorts, I feel for Sophie and her anxieties.
Dogs don’t know it’s not chocolate.