I had a 3" refractor when I was 14, and I would look at the planets through the huge living room bay window. I saw Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the moon. Also saw a partial eclipse of the sun back in 1970. Viewing the planets was a problem though, because there was no tracking motor on it.
Not exactly a mountain. If you drive up AZ-88 (Apache Trail) northeast from Apache Junction, you’ll come to the Fish Creek Vista at mile 222 (listed as Arizona Game and Fish on Google Maps). There’s a concrete walkway that leads to the viewing area, and that’s where I set up my telescope. The elevation is almost 3000 feet, and although there are nearby mountains over 4000 feet, they are far enough away that they don’t block the sky. Viewing is excellent with the lights of Phoenix a barely discernible glow to the west. The only downside is the mosquitos.
Coincidentically, AZ-88 between the vista and Roosevelt reservoir opened on the same day after being closed for over 5 years because of a landslide.
I have an 8" Celestron CDC. I wanted the 14" but at my age, 8" is the heaviest I can lift. When I was looking to get a telescope, Celestron was the only name I could remember from my childhood. And the model I got is fully programmable. After looking at the moon, I selected Saturn from the menu and less than 10 seconds later it was visible in my eyepiece.
I went to the mountains last night with my telescope to get some pictures of the lunar eclipse. After the eclipse was done, I turned the telescope to Saturn. The image was so clear! I even saw Saturn’s moon Titan. I then increased the power way beyond what the telescope was supposedly capable of and saw Saturn in all it’s glory! I could see in the gap between the rings and the planet, and I could see the atmospheric bands. Unfortunately, the camera wasn’t up to the task of photographing Saturn (I probably had the wrong settings) but I’ll remember what I saw for the rest of my life!
And that’s why I didn’t post last night. Sorry. (Not really.)
I’m stocking up on stockings for my Christmas pumpkins. Maybe even buy some pumps for my pumpkins…