I live by the credo that adults are free to choose their partners, but that does not mean I will necessarily approve of the choice(s) made, and do not attempt to require me to stand at the curb and salute when your parade passes by.
Oh, leave @moondog42 alone. S/he has enough problems having to defend and live within the guidelines they so fervently hope to impose on everyone else.
’You mean “Miller Lite”? ( using Bud Light may have posed copyright issues, yet Breathed went on to use a well known Copper Tone image. ) And it clearly MUST be a ’toon from the 80’s… these days a Woke Bud Light guzzler would NOT be biting at bikini bottoms…wrong team….curiouser and curiouser….
Kudos – for once you make a good point: why should anyone care what any ’celebrity’s’ political commentaries / endorsements are?