When you hit a certain age and level of responsibility you can. When my s-i-l died I was the one that held it all together until everything that had to be done was done; when my brother smashed his ankle and required emergency surgery and months of rehab I did what had to be done; when my husband was diagnosed with leukemia last year, then had a boatload of complications to treatment including kidney failure and a stroke, sprinkled with influenza,pneumonia and covid, I held it together until each crisis was over. THEN I allowed myself to fall apart for a few minutes. Hubby is in remission, we’re currently living with my brother – who still falls apart when he thinks of his late wife – and I have to take my husband to 3 x weekly dialysis an 2 x weekly oncologist appointments, not to mention monthly week long chemo treatments. I still have to hold it together for the most part. I dread what’s going to happen in the future bit for now, I muddle through, holding it together.
Sherman did say he was going to buy those Emily Dickenson books he wanted at the flea market in today’s strip.