It is an accurate account despite your disrespect. Your entire position is over verbage, not substance. And if it takes disrespect to boost your self esteem, fine. Have at it.
To use Gen 1: 14-17 to come to the conclusion that the sun was created after the plants instead of being able to observe the sun, moon and stars because of the clearing of the atmosphere is to ignore context. Where I come from, it is highly improper to ignore context. However, I do not doubt your sincerity and have no desire to suggest otherwise. But as long as context is ignored, we will just be going in circles. I’ll get dizzy.
I view the simplicity of the geologic history in Gen 1 as a gift. How? Mankind in general has an insatiable curiosity. Much joy and excitement comes from discovery. That joy, that excitement, would be absent if we were given all the answers.
Your use of the word “reality” is quite amusing. As much as you desire it to be, the account does not put the creation of the sun before plants. Your quibbling over verbage does not make it so.
Face it, dude, you blathered without giving it any serious thot.
Uh, one of us is, that is for sure. Ultracrepidarian in fact.
From verse 4 on in Gen 1, it is very apparent that the narrative is covering events from the vantage point of being on the surface of the Earth. So, in verse 14, the atmosphere cleared sufficiently for one, on the surface, to see the sun and moon better and also some stars, which is in line with geologic history. The very first verse shows that these heavenly bodies were already in place. One of the most famous verses is verse 3, “Let there be light” showing that enough light from the sun was able to penetrate to the surface. This was well before the events in verse 14.
Gen 1 is an accurate, succinct history, not a scientific paper. You seem to want to debate all based on how you would have written it. Your opinion does not make it less accurate.
Like stars being fixed to a solid dome maybe a hundred miles overhead?
Relying on, not the original language, but a medieval interpretation into English what was meant by the Hebrew words is a mistake.
Plants growing and flourishing before the Sun was created?
Not recorded as such.
Geology that comprises the word “ground” and nothing else? No mention of volcanism, sedimentary layers, erosion, continental drift, or anything else that real geology pays attention to?
Again, it was written for a simple pastoral people. Simple does not mean inaccurate.
The shortest distance between two jokes is a straight line…