No bio available
Looking for something I understand. Is this a song or movie or something else I’ve never heard of?
Stuck again! Thought the glitch had been solved.
Left in B/W and returned in color. Unless this is a Sunday strip.
Senate terms are 6 years, not 4.
Is the strip stuck or over?
“Welp” is definitely a post-plugger non-word. I think some illiterate kids say it.
Rare to have a 16 year LED last a year! Just an expensive scam not backed by facts.
Never heard it. Something Catholic?
As you plug along, eventually the hair disappears even there! You will see!
A tremendous difference in time depending on who is doing the job. A government crew takes months to complete a job that only takes weeks when done by a private contractor on bid.
Looking for something I understand. Is this a song or movie or something else I’ve never heard of?