never underestimate what you can find on a random Sunday swim Lio. well done with your treasures! ;)
what’s the ‘lede’? i prefer this analogy though, facts can be boring. lol.
You forgot the “Heyyyy” but that’s ok. It worked. LOL.
Oh Darryl… never tell Wanda you’re free or be happy. Wives have a way of cutting short your joy. lol.
No kidding. lol. #first :D
Wally is flabber-ear-gasted. lol.
More puke inducing rolls coming right up!
Zappy taste might be its thing. lol.
Esp on a Monday!
it did the job it was supposed to, kid’s knocked out cold. hahaha.
never underestimate what you can find on a random Sunday swim Lio. well done with your treasures! ;)