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Recent Comments

  1. about 16 hours ago on Luann

    Taken out of context it sounds pretty gross. In context…., you’re right it’s still gross.

  2. about 16 hours ago on Luann

    I did and I do. I did not say I was hoping for this to continue. What I mean is that today’s strip does not seem like the closing notes to the story. What I fear is that Brad and TJ will continue squabbling about the cake pops next week, What I am hoping for is a return to a story about Luann, preferably without Bernice and not a rerun of an old story.

  3. about 18 hours ago on Luann

    Smells like “continued next week…”

  4. 1 day ago on Luann

    Like Bernice living with Luann, TJ is living with BJ to cause “friction” to any plot.

  5. 1 day ago on Luann

    Shannon shows up just as Brad and Toni are going to bed for some Valentine’s alone time.

  6. 1 day ago on Heart of the City

    At 13 I would think Heart has begun being taught out to cook. But competence is not funny so all characters have to be incompetent.

  7. 1 day ago on Luann

    Are you *criticizing" this wonderful and brilliantly written comic? Chaos still start calling you a troll. Beware!

  8. 1 day ago on Luann

    So the ending we all saw coming a week ago has come, on schedule and with all the excitement of a traffic light turning red just when you needed to get somewhere important.

  9. 2 days ago on Luann

    I’ve come up with a ranking of stories here. Best are stories involving Luann because she is the central character, the reason why I come to this strip. At one remove are stories involving Tiffany or Gunther. These two are not Luann but are contemporaries and have long been part of Luann’s life. At a second remove are Frank, Nancy and Bernice. Frank and Nancy are her parents, not contemporaries and do little except to remind her that she’s a failure. Bernice is in this group because all she does is tell Luann “:You’re wrong” At three removes are Brad and Toni. They are older and married and not contemporaries either. They don’t life with Luann and their stories have nothing to do with Luann. Shannon is at a fourth remove because she has nothing to do with Luann and is annoying to boot.

    All of which is to say that I couldn’t give a rat’s patootie to this week’s story. I don’t care whether Toni is pregnant or not. And the continued incompetence of Brad is galling.

    Anyway that’s my opinion. Your Mileage May Vary.

  10. 3 days ago on Luann

    Toni being pregnant just pulls the strip farther away from it’s central character, Luann. We would then have siloed stories about Tiffany, about Bets, about Toni and occasionally about Luann. All these siloes robs the strip of any coherence.