Gene06825's Profile

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Jake Likes Onions
By Jake Thompson
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Savage Chickens
By Doug Savage
Brian McFadden

Tom Toles

Liz Climo Cartoons
By Liz Climo
The Worried Well
By Dana Maier
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Unstrange Phenomena
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Peanuts Begins
By Charles Schulz
New Adventures of Queen Victoria
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False Knees
By Joshua Barkman
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By Charles Schulz
Pearls Before Swine
By Stephan Pastis
Ripley's Believe It or Not
By Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
Jen Sorensen

Speed Bump
By Dave Coverly
Tom the Dancing Bug
By Ruben Bolling
Too Much Coffee Man
By Shannon Wheeler
Pat Oliphant

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By Harry Bliss
By B. Kliban
I can see that some people seem to like this cartoon, but it absolutely makes no sense to me. And if it’s supposed to just be a play on words, I find it fairly lame, although I suppose that I should say that I generally like the “Savage Chickens” strips…