You are absolutely right, Kim, and I have to admit it. Guys locker room talk is not only gossipy, it’s obnoxious and revolting. But I couldn’t resist quoting that old saying from my youth.
Could Grozar have meant brown as in Brown Shirt? Prior to WW 2, The Brown Shirts were a gang that hareassed intimidated, and beat up Jewa and even destroyed thier property. What happened to Lillian was a typical Brown shirt tactic.
There is a huge difference between an old hag and a sweet old lady with courage enough to stand up to cowardly thugs. The world could use a few more of this kind of “old Hag.”
Sooooo, if we ask you to cover up, we are controlling sexist pigs. And if we say nothing and ogle at your half naked bodies,……We are sexist pigs? Heck, and all the time I thought we were dogs.
For sure! He is usually the picture of logic and reason. It’s not like him to go all “Rat” on someone.