But it was an intercepted pass, which means Milford’s defensive unit is on the field. A referee will usually be more specific in that kind of situation in order to avoid confusion over which team is the “defense”.
Generally speaking, the CIA favors stability. If a dictator maintains control over trade and international affairs without engaging in too many (visible) human rights atrocities, he’s generally seen as preferable to an unpredictable theo-terrorist rebel group.
It appears Kat’s parents were married before, and brought both Kat and Shari into the relationship, which I think is new information? But their dad’s previous wife, if she’s Shari’s “bio-mom” would just be her “mom”, right? And Kat’s mom would be Shari’s stepmother.
If Milford didn’t score at all, then I have no idea what Marty meant when he said that Goshen scored “a touchdown of their own”. That implied that Milford had previously scored a touchdown and Goshen was answering.
Well, I’ll read the strips simply because I love Georgia’s artwork and storytelling. And maybe this story will grab me, but I’m not a fan either of soap operas nor Hallmark-style holiday movies.