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  1. about 6 hours ago on Big Nate

    Yeah the fact that she said “on the space provided” suggests he did write his name on it but in a different spot. And given he needed the 100 to get a B, that’s pretty cruel.

    Small things can make a student like you. He goes to her after and asks if he can have the bump because that 1 point would give him a B in the class and her only response is “why should I?”

    Especially when he studied hard for the exam and otherwise aced it.

    It wasn’t a schoolwide rule, it was something the teacher mentioned in passing one time. Worst part was she announced it aloud to the entire class to make an example. Hated her so much.

  2. about 6 hours ago on Big Nate

    June 30th, 2011.

    Reading that one got me a bit of a bad memory from when I was in school. Teacher gave me a zero despite getting every question right because I used a pencil instead of a pen.

  3. about 7 hours ago on Big Nate

    I really liked him. He had a different approach to teaching as a whole. He’d let you retake quizzes and tests, but you have to accept the second grade you got on tests. And at the end of the quarter, you had to tell him what grade you thought you deserved and justify it to him by showing your tests, lab reports and big projects.

  4. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    As if it wasn’t on-the-nose enough when people were praying at a golden statue of him at CPAC.

    Seriously Christians have so much fanfiction about the antichrist and yet they’re bending over backwards to justify anything he does as godly.

  5. 1 day ago on Big Nate

    If he’s in a group project with Francis and he clearly knows how many books were available on the topic, means in the very least he did some work there.

    Nate always comes across to me as akin to Calvin: Smart in his own right, can be a great student when he needs it, but he would benefit from a different environment or methods that aren’t common in most schools.

    That and we know Godfrey can be pedantic and vindictive. She once docked him a point for an otherwise perfect final exam because his name was slightly off the line, costing him a bump to the next letter grade.

  6. 1 day ago on Big Nate

    Nope. He just appreciated getting something different.

  7. 1 day ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yeah that doesn’t matter. The judicial branch has given the executive branch a disgusting amount of power in the last few decades and Cheney started pushing that harder by getting executive treated as a separate branch entirely not beholden to the concepts of checks and balances.

    “It’s in the constitution” doesn’t really matter when the people whose job it is to interpret it have an agenda that’s clearly pushing a fascist theocracy.

  8. 1 day ago on Big Nate

    The instructions were to write a report. It didn’t say anything on the medium in which it’s expressed. I’m with Nate on this. As long as he did the work, did the research and the song is accurate then who cares if they play it as a song?

  9. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    " I would prefer to make such decisions for myself, rather than have them made for me by politicians and bureaucrats."

    You elected a man that’s letting a bureaucrat run rampant and destroy the institutions keeping the country afloat.

    Like it or not Geezer, the way a country functions is that we have to act as a collective to help one another even in small ways. You’re taking advantage of everybody else’s contributions and complaining that you have to contribute yourself.

  10. 1 day ago on Big Nate

    But the instructions were to do a “report”. The medium it’s delivered in shouldn’t matter if he did the research.

    I had a teacher that once let me turn in a comic book for a report. I got a 110% on it for the creativity.