According to Isaac Asimov Earth is actually the bigger pear shaped body in a double planet system (the Moon being the other planet). I kind of like that.
Hm, I recall having seen or heard Pastis stating that he quit drawing smoking in the strip (both himself and Guard Duck (where art thou, GD?)) because he didn’t want to promote smoking. And from what I understood, he doesn’t smoke. Has he fallen off the wagon.
Not commenting very often these days, partly because I often read the comic in bursts and not on a daily basis, partly because I noticed that the later years commenting has turned very political, which turns me off. (I just think there are better foras for political discussion.)But thanks for clearing up the corkage fee for me.
Assume so. It was part of a weekly science news program. The segment was (as I recall) about 45-50 minutes, a French production that the swedish television had bought in, and the “stealing food from women” was the brilliant explanation offered from gender “scientists”. The response from the more sane scientific community (and generally from people interested in gender issues, but not feminists) were devastating. I have tried many times to find the program on the web afterwards, but it seems to have disappeared completly without any trace. (I did see the original broadcast myself, so I know it actually happened for real.)
According to Isaac Asimov Earth is actually the bigger pear shaped body in a double planet system (the Moon being the other planet). I kind of like that.