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Recent Comments

  1. 9 months ago on Crankshaft

    Batiuk already used the “retire” [leave your job]/“retire” [go to bed] pun in the last ever Funky Winkerbean strip. It’s been a year and a half; I’m surprised he hasn’t reused it yet. There’s always tomorrow….

  2. 11 months ago on Crankshaft

    They need their newspapers to wrap their fish ‘n’ chips with.

  3. 12 months ago on Crankshaft

    Say, wasn’t this John Darling fellow the father of Jessica Darling, whose father, John Darling, was murdered?

  4. about 1 year ago on Crankshaft

    HOLD THE PHONE!! John Darling, father of Jessica Darlingwhosefatherjohndarlingwasmurdered, was MURDERED?! Why hasn’t Batiuk ever mentioned this?

  5. about 1 year ago on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

    Sure, it’s true. But what if I told you the food you were eating was free from poison MOST of the time?

    Also, I’m amazed Zach made this mistake, but “data” is plural.

  6. about 1 year ago on Crankshaft

    Schulz was a meticulous craftsman who cared deeply about his characters and his audience. Batiuk is… uh, not that.

  7. over 1 year ago on Pluggers

    I thought Pluggers had manners? Loudly burping a stinky chili burp at a restaurant sounds like something a Gen Z-er would do and think it was cute. Yuck.

  8. over 1 year ago on Pluggers

    And, in a related story, it also stands for Buy More Insulin.

  9. over 1 year ago on Crankshaft

    Hey, I thought it was pretty good work for a 3-year-old. Er, 2-year-old. Five-year-old? Seven-and-a-half year old? Preteen. Toddler?

  10. over 1 year ago on Crankshaft
