I would never take a car into NYC – again. Terrible traffic and this was in 1965. I have been there a few years ago – a traffic zoo. [I came on a ship and left on a train.]
I have taken an empty stomach one for many years, I automatically wake-up at least once a night. There have probably been less than 10 times I have taken it first thing in the morning. Habit is too ingrained.
I don’t remember any extra days off other than 2 days for Thanksgiving, Christmas was from the day Dec 24-Jan 2nd. No spring break but Good Friday and Easter Monday. We got out of school during the last week of May – but didn’t start school until the Tuesday after Labor Day – so 3 solid months off. This was in Michigan in the 50s and 60s – there were no Monday holidays and I really don’t remember if we got either Washington’s or Lincoln’s Birthday off – probably not. The kids here in Florida start in mid-August and end in first full week of June. Are those both the same amount of school days – I have no idea.
Stephan, you are not old, I’m old. When they made a big deal when he died – I said – “Who?” He was after my radio listening days, I had not a clue who this singer was. A single?? part of a band?? – So, no clue how really old you are – or Rat accuses you of being. LOL
Is there any room for Grimm? – oh yeah they’re all filling up the TV with their oh-so caring ads – and in the next sentence how much they got for their client.
I liked running boards – they are handy for short people entering or exiting the car. And the wing windows, send that breeze right at your face. Cars did have curb feelers, but never on any I rode in. Never used a manual choke, they were phased out just before I learned to drive.
I’ve never heard a ‘Kiss’ song [ they were a generation too late] but I do recognize the make-up and have seen Gene Simmons, [sans makeup] on TV shows just acting.
I would never take a car into NYC – again. Terrible traffic and this was in 1965. I have been there a few years ago – a traffic zoo. [I came on a ship and left on a train.]