No, she directed him to the trap so she wouldn’t have to wait for the resulting mayhem. Otherwise no idea how long she’d have to stand there.
Wallace, Sterling and seagull or Wallace, Sterling and Dad?
Love that Will knows how to tie (draw) a cleat hitch (panel 2).
The physics of comics, details fully explored in Looney Tunes.
’cept Spud.
Surprised Amelia isn’t placing strategic heel prints above the creases at the top of the (he)arts.
Riding where no kid is allowed anymore, the open back of a pickup truck.
Out cleaning the window.
“Real”, I think.
Re: the washing. Wallace’s mom will just tie a bowline under his arms, toss him off a pier, swish him up/down a few times, and make him walk home. Or dad will tow him behind the Narhwal.
As a bonus Wallace will count either as an adventure.
No, she directed him to the trap so she wouldn’t have to wait for the resulting mayhem. Otherwise no idea how long she’d have to stand there.