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jimmjonzz Premium

Everyone says he is crazy. The scarier thing is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid. You just don’t. [Fran Lebowitz]

Recent Comments

  1. 6 days ago on Back in the Day

    Walk like an Egyptian.

  2. 7 days ago on Back in the Day

    I thought I heard…

    No, I guess I didn’t….

  3. 8 days ago on Dick Tracy


  4. 8 days ago on Back in the Day

    Also, a penny saved is worth two in the bush.

  5. 8 days ago on Back in the Day

    There is a recurring image in “Back in the Day” that depicts Ike sitting under a tree in which foliage is often very sparse or sometimes entirely absent. This usually puts me in mind of the capricious now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t trees or foliage in Samuel Beckett’s “Act Without Words.”Sometimes the trees provide shade from the sun… which protection can vanish in a split second if the limbs fold in on themselves… which they randomly do. The effect is a suspended moment between hilarious and tragic.

    I’ve often thought Beckett had harvested this image from the book of Jonah in the Hebrew Testament, aka the “Old Testament” of the Christian Bible. In particular, the very last few verses of the book in which Jonah seats himself where the sunshine is uncomfortably warm until…

    God causes a leafy gourd vine to grow up and shade poor Jonah. But God, trickster that God is, later sends a worm to kill the plant.

    Jonah cannot decide whether to laugh or cry. No spoiler here. Go read it yourself and decide for yourself. I have to admit that I can either laugh or cry at this development.

    I think the owl’s “wise” advice to Ike is simultaneously as confusing and instructive as the final chapter of Jonah.

  6. 8 days ago on Wallace the Brave


  7. 9 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    1. Very nicely observed.

    2. I’m guessing that around age 15 his mononym will become, unironically, “Slick”.

  8. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m for real. But not every thing I say is.

  9. 11 days ago on Francis

    A standard theological response is that the human soul is in the spiritual likeness and image of God’s ineffable being.

  10. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    In an ill-advised advertising gambit, Lizzie’s likeness briefly appeared on cartons of Borden’s brand milk.